New science or new human rights?

Sastra raises the perennial question of what we are talking about when we talk about how “some women have a penis” [and related subjects, which are infinite in number]. She asks if it’s a matter of new discoveries in science or new sensitivities to human rights, which is a very good question.

I was thinking about the purported “new sensitivities to human rights” yesterday, wondering for the billionth time why there is such heightened sensitivity to and compassion for men who claim to be women when there was never such sensitivity to and compassion for feminist women with their old sensitivities to human rights. Why are the sensitivity and compassion so very heightened, so frantic, so loud, so hyperbolic, so laced with threats? Why are so many people so extremely passionate and agitated about this form of “liberation” when that was never a thing for feminism? It’s as if feminism had been for “Karens” all along.

I was thinking about it, and it occurred to me that maybe it’s because most people or nearly all people or all people are in fact more or less squicked by fake genitalia and medically unnecessary mastectomies and the like. Maybe it’s because most people or nearly all people or all people actually don’t want to “date” trans people and they feel horribly guilty and ashamed as a result so they overcompensate.

Could that be it?

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