No YOU’RE the dark symbol

Such childish door-slamming where journalism should be:

The court of session ruling upholding the UK government’s veto on Scotland’s gender recognition reforms contributed to a “sense of exhaustion” in the trans community, said Jennie Kermode, a writer, film-maker and adviser for Trans Media Watch, based near Glasgow.

After that we get five paragraphs of Kermode blathering as if trans people were the only people who have any stake in this issue. Hello? Guardian? Libby Brooks? Are you aware that women exist? That in fact there are a lot of us? That we have rights too?

Dylan Hamilton, a climate activist, said the ruling was “as much an issue about Scotland’s democracy as it is about the human rights of trans people”.

Gender recognition reform amounted to “a small administrative change that makes our lives slightly easier to lead”, he added. “I think the fact that this cannot even be passed is a dark symbol of how strong the opposition to our right to exist is.”

And yet no one is denying trans people’s right to exist.

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