Pants versus ears

Trans-identifying man Jennifer Finney Boylan says sex is not in the body, it’s in the brain.

When someone says they feel like a woman, what exactly does that mean?

Nothing. It means nothing.

Or it means something, but the something it means is about fantasy and imagination; it’s not about material reality. We can think we “feel like” anything, and that can be a fine pathway to empathy and broader sympathies. It can be, but it can also be a lousy rotten stinking pathway to telling people you know more about being those people than they do.

Across the country, conservatives are insisting that — and legislating as if — “feeling” like a woman, or a man, is irrelevant. What matters most, they say, is the immutable truth of biology.

They don’t say that about everything. Nobody cares what fantasies people have about themselves unless those fantasies impinge on other people’s rights.

In Florida, a law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) keeps “biological males” from playing on the women’s sports teams in public schools.

Yes, because it’s not fair for males to play on women’s sports teams, regardless of what their fantasies about themselves are. This does not mean the males have to drop their fantasies; it just means they can’t live their fantasies at the expense of the rights of girls and women.

It may be that what’s in your pants is less important than what’s between your ears.

Then be a womany man or a manny woman.

H/t John Reed

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