Pretend there are no women

The Guardian reports on the attack on women’s rights while pretending it’s not about women:

Iowa’s state legislature voted on Tuesday night to ban most abortions after around six weeks of pregnancy, a time before most people know they are pregnant.

Women, you absolute shits.

This is women losing the right to plan their own damn lives and here you are still pretending it’s about people in general. Stop doing that.

Same for the ACLU – stop that.

“The ACLU of Iowa, Planned Parenthood and the Emma Goldman Clinic remain committed to protecting the reproductive rights of Iowans to control their bodies and their lives, their health and their safety – including filing a lawsuit to block this reckless, cruel law,” the ACLU of Iowa’s executive director, Mark Stringer, said in a statement.

Not Iowans, Iowan women. WOMEN. It’s not a dirty word.

In the meantime, Planned Parenthood North Central States has said it will refer patients out of state if they’re scheduled for abortions in the next few weeks. The organization, the largest abortion provider in the state, will continue to provide care to patients who present before cardiac activity is detected.

This isn’t a removal of generic patients’ rights, it’s a removal of women’s rights.

Brace for a shock:

“You would be forcing a woman to a lifelong obligation which affects her education, career, family and community,” Amy Bingaman, an obstetrician and gynecologist, told lawmakers.

There it is, the one use of the word in the whole piece. A piece about abortion.

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