The autonomous disembodied self

Leor Sapir wrote a few months ago:

That most children desist from cross-sex identification does not necessarily mean that they will no longer experience any distress associated with their bodies; rather, it means that even if such distress lingers, it will not prevent them from becoming reasonably well-adjusted and living a good life. The notion that no human should ever have to experience any discomfort associated with male or female embodiment, including during the turbulent period of puberty, is the utopian promise fueling much of the gender transition industry. There has been a growing movement among gender activists to frame puberty as something that the autonomous, disembodied, self should have a “right” to choose. “Neither puberty suppression nor allowing puberty to occur is a neutral act,” writes the World Professional Association for Transgender Health in the seventh version of its Standards of Care.

Mind-body dualism all over again. The soul reborn. “This body isn’t precious unique Moi, it’s a husk occupied by that magical spiritual being. It’s everyone’s right to shape their own husk until it fits the magical spiritual being better.”

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