The rape attempt was a cry for help

There is “Karen” Jones for example.

In 2001, a man named Mark Jones (a.k.a: Karen Jones/Lawson) was jailed after the body of his sexual partner was found in their Manchester home. Jones had allegedly murdered the man after he refused to pay for Jones’ nail polish and transgender surgeries, but, due to the advanced stage of decomposition in the body, he was only able to be convicted of manslaughter. The decomposition hindered the ability for coroners to ascertain a proper cause of death, and thus throttled the prosecution.

Jones was sentenced to 5 years, but was released just one year later on license in 2002. Less than a week after getting out of prison, Jones sexually assaulted a female clerk at a store which sold clothing for transsexual men, gagging the woman’s mouth with a lemon and trying to rape her. He was unable to do so only because he was incapable of maintaining an erection. Jones was re-apprehended and sentenced to life in prison.

One year in prison for killing someone, then assaults a woman days after getting out.

At the time, Jones claimed the attempted rape was a “cry for help” so he could go back to prison and receive a sex change on the public dime. While imprisoned, Jones received free laser hair removal, hormone replacement therapy, and a gender recognition certificate.

Jones ultimately demanded transfer to a women’s prison, but his male genitals made the move impossible at the time. Likewise, he was denied a vagina construction because he was housed in the male estate. Jones brought a judicial review in 2009, and consideration of the double-bind situation would become the legal premise for the decisive ruling which would later enable fully “intact” men to seek transfer to women’s prisons.

Chip chip chip chip SMASH – women have no rights left.

“The argument that Jones would be hard to manage in a women’s prison was dismissed on the grounds that Jones would pose still greater difficulties if thwarted, due to what the consultant forensic psychologist described as ‘narcissistic, compulsive, aggressive, violent and sadistic elements’ in his personality.” Biggs writes on page 6 of the paper…

Wait wait wait wait – WHAT??? This man is narcissistic, compulsive, aggressive, violent and sadistic therefore let’s transfer him to a women’s prison???

Jones was eventually transferred to a women’s institution and recieved genital surgery. Shortly after, he was released from prison once again as a parole board decided a life sentence for his crimes wasn’t appropriate.

In 2018, Jones was invited to the House of Lords to speak on the rights of transgender criminals.

In 2023 the law said women may not exclude men from our public meetings.

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