To deny any person

More from that silly clumsy piece on Artifacts Gallery:

[Rylee] Lee said the shop is also in violation of Athens City Municipal Code section 3.07.62 (b), which states “It shall be unlawful for any proprietor or his/her employer, keeper or manager in a place of public accommodation to deny any person, except for reasons applicable alike to all persons, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.” 

But who says the shop has “denied” anyone? I assume “deny” there means refuse service, kick out, tell to go away. There’s nothing in the article to indicate that the shop has done any such thing.

Lee hopes the protest will help draw attention to Mangano’s opinion and to the boycott.

Yes how dare Mangano have an opinion?

“To the people who still shop at Artifacts, we see that you’re still giving business to this place that people have specifically expressed discomfort towards,” Lee said. “You’re giving your business to a place who does not believe feminism is for all women. And to Amy I would like to say feminism is for all women. Feminism does not give you the right to pick and choose what women you support.”

Errrr yes it does. Feminism isn’t alone in doing that, but the right to choose what people you support is certainly among the equal rights entailed by feminism. Plus of course feminism is for all women but not for men who shove women aside while shouting that they are women and furthermore they’re the most oppressed women. Part One: feminism is for all women. Part Two: men are not women.

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