It’s quite literally in there

News from Athens, Ohio:

At 2 W. State St. there lies a familiar Athens business that is the subject of current controversy: Artifacts Gallery. Some social media posts encourage a boycott of Artifacts Gallery and its owner, Amy Mangano, for accusations of transphobia. A protest against Mangano and the shop is scheduled for Saturday at 10:30 a.m.

Rylee Lee, a junior studying music education, helped organize the protest, and said it was sparked by social media posts about new signage on the door of Artifacts Gallery. From there, Lee joined forces with Kaycie Tillis, a sophomore studying psychology, to begin organizing a protest against the shop. The new signs and banners on the front door include messages like “humans can’t change sex” and “say no to men in women’s sports.” 

So humans can change sex? Men should be in women’s sports? Kids today; I tell you what.

Lee said the protest is important to support transgender individuals in Athens and to demonstrate Mangano’s verbiage is not something Lee and other protesters agree with. 

“T is for trans,” Lee said. “You can’t have LGBT without the T. It’s quite literally in there.”

Bahahahahahahaha well spotted. You also can’t have ZQr9& without the &. It’s quite literally in there.

Here’s a helpful tip though: you can have LGB without the T, because it’s quite literally not in there.

Artifacts Protest

H/t Sackbut

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