And yet, does Peter ever post matching tweets telling us men and trans men are two different kinds of men? Does he ever say “Unite to defend ALL men, including trans”?
Trans women are trans women
They are not the same as biological women but they are equally valid
Two different kinds of women
One based on biological sex. One based on gender identity
It’s just a variation of that old saw, “Men are whatever men say they are. Women are whatever men say they are.” Women have been hounded off social media and even out of their jobs for saying that ‘transwomen are transwomen’ and not the same as us. How does this advocate for pædophilia get away with everything?
I’m surprised that Jonathan WillyBoy hasn’t been reacting furiously to P.T.’s egregious betrayal. How dare he state that men aren’t exactly the same kind of women, and how dare he distort the mantra!
I’m surprised that Jonathan WillyBoy hasn’t been reacting furiously to P.T.’s egregious betrayal. How dare he state that men aren’t exactly the same kind of women, and how dare he distort the mantra!
That was my immediate first thought, too! I mean, how are we to think of “girl dicks” now??
Back to kindergarten with Peter Tatchell. Always with the “trans rights” poster bearers in the photos, like we’re supposed to know what those are. Thanks Peter, I feel so educated now. Simpleton.
Does he ever say “Unite to defend ALL men, including trans”?
Their retort to this is usually “We do that because you transmisogynist genociders focus your genociding on trans women in particular.” Which is basically true; trans women do face more pushback than trans men. Because they’re men pushing in to women’s spaces for fuck sake. Men in women’s sporting events and amenities are far more disrupting than the reverse.
This is so typical of trans activism. No argument; no explanation of WHY we should accept the proposition that trans women are women.* Just repeat the assertion that they are, over and over again.
It’s just a variation of that old saw, “Men are whatever men say they are. Women are whatever men say they are.” Women have been hounded off social media and even out of their jobs for saying that ‘transwomen are transwomen’ and not the same as us. How does this advocate for pædophilia get away with everything?
I’m surprised that Jonathan WillyBoy hasn’t been reacting furiously to P.T.’s egregious betrayal. How dare he state that men aren’t exactly the same kind of women, and how dare he distort the mantra!
That was my immediate first thought, too! I mean, how are we to think of “girl dicks” now??
Back to kindergarten with Peter Tatchell. Always with the “trans rights” poster bearers in the photos, like we’re supposed to know what those are. Thanks Peter, I feel so educated now. Simpleton.
Their retort to this is usually “We do that because you transmisogynist genociders focus your genociding on trans women in particular.” Which is basically true; trans women do face more pushback than trans men. Because they’re men pushing in to women’s spaces for fuck sake. Men in women’s sporting events and amenities are far more disrupting than the reverse.
He posted the exact same thing recently.
This is so typical of trans activism. No argument; no explanation of WHY we should accept the proposition that trans women are women.* Just repeat the assertion that they are, over and over again.
Please ignore that errant asterisk.
Asterisks without a corresponding footnote are one of my
pet peevestriggers. Your careless editing has genocided me.Asterisk rights are human rights.
Isn’t Asterix usually accompanied by Obelix?