We both know

Hilarious. Jolyon Maugham has published a book. The Times has a disdainful review. JK Rowling remarked on the review.

So what does the notoriously pompous self-admiring barrister do? He tells her – chummily calling her “Jo” as if they were friends which they are NOT – she should read it.

“We both know” ffs – as if she automatically thinks exactly what he thinks about the matter – i.e. about how impossible it is that he Jolyon Maugham could have written a bad book. Why would she admire his book as much as he does? Why would she take the same view of his critics that he does? That’s some badly broken theory of mind right there. “We both know, Jo, that you admire me as much as I admire me.”

Then he tells a huge lie.

They both know no such thing, because it’s not true.

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