He would not feel safe competing alongside men

Oh good, more whining from a man about not being able to compete in women’s sports.

Emily Bridges once dreamt of racing for Olympic glory in Paris this summer. But after British Cycling barred transgender women [aka MEN] from competing in the female category last year, she has all but given up on elite sport.

Diddums. After British Cycling barred men who pretend to be women from competing in the female category, Bridges gave up. That’s good news.

Bridges said the policy amounts to a ban from elite cycling.  

“A ban is a ban. You can say you can compete in the open category, but we’re women – we should be able to race in the women’s category,” she said.

They’re not women. They’re men who try to look like women, which doesn’t make them women. I could try to look like a dolphin, but it wouldn’t make me a dolphin.

British Cycling had given her the option to compete in the ‘open’ category alongside other transgender women, transgender men, and athletes born biologically male. But Bridges said she would not feel safe competing alongside men and does not like transgender women having to ‘out’ themselves to compete in the category.

Diddums. Again. Journalists should stop taking this entitled whining seriously. They should also stop calling men “she” and “her” – it just further entrenches the tedious destructive lie.

Beyond sport, Bridges is unequivocal about the impact about the wider impact excluding transgender athletes is having. She believes calls to restrict the participation of transgender athletes reinforces the idea that trans women are not women and that they are a threat.

It’s not “an idea”; it’s the reality.

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