In search of trans paving stones

Just imagine if women had that kind of clout

A London council has demanded that companies in its supply chain prove their commitment to approved LGBT inclusion values. Labour-run Camden Council has introduced a range of measures to ensure that its internal policies and processes are inclusive.

But of course by “inclusive” in “LGBT” terms they mean mostly non-inclusive of women. The tiny tiny barely visible minority made up of people who claim to be the opposite sex is being “empowered” to demolish women’s rights. Why is that tiny minority, made up of people suffering from a trendy delusion, so important that they get to take away the rights of half of all humans?

According to information from the local authority, it is aiming to “positively influence” through the policy. It states that “building our commitment to LGBTQ+ equality into our procurement processes” has been one of the ways in which it has sought to be more inclusive.

Spreading the trans tyranny from the council to all the firms that the council gets stuff from.

The council states: “We are beginning to ask businesses to demonstrate their commitment to LGBTQ+ equality before we procure them.”

But they don’t really mean LGB equality, they mean T equality. It’s all about the T.

Other measures brought in to increase inclusion at the local authority include introducing trans awareness sessions, partnering with Stonewall and Proud Employers, and celebrating dates on an inclusion calendar, including a Bi Visibility Day and Transgender Day of Remembrance.

No Women’s Day of Remembrance though. Women don’t matter. Women are, frankly, Karens. In fact, if you must know, we hate them. The only good women are men.

Camden had previously launched a project to examine the potentially offensive views of historical figures represented in the borough, including Virginia Woolf.

Well duh. She was a woman. She sullied Tavistock Square by living in it; this must be exposed and examined and posthumously reviled.

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