Profiles in preciousness

Quite a startling assertion, in a piece that’s not even about trans ideology.

…my experience of an all-girls’ school, followed by twice as long as a trustee of a prison charity, informed a lot of my politics, including why I became a transgender ally. Before I had thought seriously about trans rights, and the immeasurable preciousness of any human being with the courage to live their most meaningful and truthful life…


So Zoe Williams is saying that trans people, as such, just because they are trans people, are immeasurably precious because they have “the courage to live their most meaningful and truthful life”?

There’s so much that’s absurd about that. Where to begin?

One, are trans people the only people who have that particular form of courage? And by the way what’s so scary about it? Also what does it mean? And why is it “truthful” to claim to be something you’re not? Why is it so truthful that you’re immeasurably precious because you claim it?

Two, why is that more of a reason to think people are “immeasurably precious” than any number of other things? Like altruism, generosity, empathy, for example?

Three, why does a quality that’s about the self deserve such hyperbolic flattery? In fact why does it deserve any? I think people are all too ready and eager to “live their most meaningful and truthful life” at the expense of other people. What’s so great about it? Why present it as heroic and rare?

Four, how the hell is it living a “truthful life” when it starts from a gigantic lie?

This ideology rots people’s brains.

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