Asexual Pride

Revisiting the “asexuality” activist who does such a sterling job of demonstrating indifference to sexuality.

Her pinned post on twitX:
Now, sure, it’s theoretically possible to dress like that and still be wholly indifferent to sexuality, but what would be the point? Those clothes are not default clothes: not what one wears when one is not making a statement or obeying company rules. Default clothes are chosen for comfort and/or utility. What Benoit is wearing in that shiny photo is neither comfortable nor useful – it’s pure “doncha just long to fuck me?”

In other words you don’t dress like that for no reason, or because it’s merely decorative. You dress like that to show off how sexy you are. Being sexy is not the same as being sexual, but if you’re not sexual, why bother to show off how sexy you are?

Maybe to be what’s vulgarly known as a prick-tease? If so, when did that become part of Pride?

Answers on a postcard.

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