All entries by this author

They are concerned for her

Jun 16th, 2024 3:43 pm | By

Wouldn’t you think if you’re the police looking for a missing person you’d want to put out the most accurate information possible in order to…you know…find the missing person?

Bromley Metropolitan Police Service thinks not.

People mocked, and also pointed out that searching for a missing person does depend on accurate description. Bromley Police got in a huff. No progress in finding missing person was recorded.

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Those who have encouraged them

Jun 16th, 2024 12:38 pm | By

Victoria Smith on Starmer’s refusal to defend Rosie Duffield:

This week Duffield announced that she would not be attending local hustings due to threats of violence. To anyone who has witnessed the escalating abuse she has received for defending sex-based rights, this was not surprising. Then again, nor was it surprising to fellow MPs such as Jess Phillips, who has also faced threats to her own and her family’s safety, simply for doing her job.

Many of those who threaten MPs are paranoid, mentally unwell, in thrall to conspiracy theories, and/or egged on by extremist groups. They must be held responsible for their actions, but we also cannot ignore those who have encouraged them.

The truth is

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Women are expendable

Jun 16th, 2024 12:05 pm | By

Keir Starmer has time to blather about football but not time to say a word for Rosie Duffield.

We will be with you; England is behind you. That pesky female colleague? Not so much.

Pesky women who speak up? Not so much. … Read the rest

Next phase

Jun 16th, 2024 9:46 am | By

Your brain on gender ideology:

“Are you transgender?” Participating in a study for their public-health class, neither Alex nor Luna knew how to answer. Alex uses they/them pronouns and identifies as agender. They are also among a growing number of young people who have been raised in a gender-neutral manner: their parents did not refer to them as a boy or a girl until they were old enough to choose for themselves. Whatever genitals Alex was born with is not common knowledge. If you are agender and were never assigned a gender, does that make you transgender?

If you were raised by deranged parents, does that make you deranged or just tragically confused?

As for Luna, today she identifies

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Sorry about that thing with wotsername

Jun 16th, 2024 7:45 am | By

The special subtle luxury notpology in which the apology is there but the recipient is carefully not named.

Cashman claims to be apologizing unreservedly yet he carefully does not name Rosie Duffield. I call that reservedly. Very, absurdly, childishly reservedly.

The “readers added context” note tell us:

Michael Cashman CBE fails to provide a lot of important context. MP he mocked is Rosie Duffield. He accused Duffield of

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Guest post: What you thought when you were a child

Jun 15th, 2024 4:35 pm | By

Originally a comment by Arcadia on Erring on the side of ruining kids’ lives.

I am not sure why this is apparently so difficult to understand. Everybody (I think) can come up with a description of a gender non conforming child in their mind. The likely options are that the kid will grow up to be gay, and keep not conforming; straight and non conforming; straight and more conforming (because for some kids it is a stage they go through); or lately, “trans”. Out of those four likely options, three will want their bodies intact and fully functional, and some of the fourth category will too. But all those kids are likely to be treated as the subset of … Read the rest

UN v women

Jun 15th, 2024 4:30 pm | By

UN Women tells us how much it hates women again.

Recent decades have marked major advances for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+) people in many places, including the legalization of same-sex relations, legal recognition of gender identity on the basis of self-identification, better access to essential healthcare, restrictions on interventions on intersex minors, and increased protections against discrimination and hate crimes. 

Shut up. Those are different things. They can’t all be dropped into a food processor and blended. Lesbian, gay and bisexual are not like transgender or intersex, and “queer” doesn’t mean anything. Legal recognition of gender identity on the basis of self-identification is not an advance, it’s a nightmare and a … Read the rest

UN Quislings

Jun 15th, 2024 1:48 pm | By

UN Women. Again.

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Not quite le mot juste

Jun 15th, 2024 12:02 pm | By

Uh huh.

Trump is “preparing” by doing nothing at all apart from his usual chaotic stream of blather. He doesn’t know how to prepare; he couldn’t prepare if he tried. All he has, always, is his foul mouth and the foul mind that fuels it. He has an infinite supply of invective and abuse. That’s what he’ll bring to the “debate” – which of course won’t be a debate at all. … Read the rest

He identifies as non-binary

Jun 15th, 2024 9:58 am | By

A piquant headline:

Former SNP equalities officer who wanted to ‘beat up terfs’ convicted of sexual assault

To be clear, it’s not that he wanted to beat up terfs convicted of sexual assault. No. It’s that he has been convicted of sexual assault. Laughably titled “equalities officer” wanted to beat up women who know that men are not women, and oh gee whiz what do you know it turns out he’s been doing some beating up himself.

A former SNP equalities officer who told how he wanted to “beat the fuck” out of gender critical feminists has been convicted of sexually assaulting six young adults.

Cameron Downing, who was an official in the SNP’s London branch, preyed on multiple victims

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The shock of the real

Jun 15th, 2024 5:20 am | By

Trump failed to impress a roomful of greedy CEOs.

Former President Donald Trump failed to impress everyone in a room full of top CEOs Thursday at the Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting, multiple attendees told CNBC.

“Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” said one CEO who was in the room, according to a person who heard the executive speaking. The CEO also said Trump did not explain how he planned to accomplish any of his policy proposals, that person said.

Several CEOs “said that [Trump] was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought [and] was all over the map,” CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin reported Friday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Dementia speeding up?

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Same old boss

Jun 15th, 2024 4:01 am | By

Julie Bindel on Labour’s contempt for women:

The Labour Party has managed to do it again: declare a war on women whilst attempting to appear to be very female friendly. The party claims it will halve violence against women and girls and make the streets safer for women to walk, even as it edges towards self-identification for men that claim to be female. What this translates into is fear and danger for women. 

They can’t halve violence against women and girls and make the streets safer for women to walk just by flapping their hands, or saying words, or looking solidarityish. They sure as hell can’t do it by making it easier for men to invade women’s spaces and … Read the rest

Shutting up the women again

Jun 14th, 2024 11:02 am | By

It’s a god damn outrage.

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Based on genner idenniny

Jun 14th, 2024 10:38 am | By

Politico reports:

A federal judge has temporarily blocked the Education Department’s final Title IX rule, which prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

What is “discrimination based on gender identity”? Why, it’s knowing that men are not women, of course. It’s the most discrimminy thing there is.

Western District of Louisiana Chief Judge Terry Doughty in an order Thursday declared that Title IX, a federal education law that bars sex-based discrimination, “was written and intended to protect biological women from discrimination.”

Why? Because women are the ones who need that protection. It’s not men who are passed over for promotions, paid less for the same job, sexually harassed at work.

“Such purpose makes it difficult to sincerely

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Obviously unfit

Jun 14th, 2024 6:51 am | By

More on sharksbatteriesgate from Tom Nichols in The Atlantic:

Trump is obviously unfit—and something is profoundly wrong with a political environment in which he can now say almost anything, no matter how weird, and his comments will get a couple of days of coverage and then a shrug, as if to say: Another day, another Trump rant about sharks.

Yes, but that’s been true all along. He’s worse now but he was terrible from the start.

In Las Vegas on Sunday, Trump went off-script—I have to assume that no competent speechwriter would have drafted this—and riffed on the important question of how to electrocute a shark while one attacks. He had been talking, he claims, to someone about

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Alarming new symptoms

Jun 13th, 2024 4:29 pm | By

Word is that Trump’s dementia is rapidly getting worse.

When more than 500 licensed mental health professions—including best-selling authors and well-respected psychologists—sign a petition warning that Donald Trump has clear signs of dementia, you would think corporate media would cover the story. But of course that would conflict with the corporate media’s non-stop narrative that President Biden is the one with cognitive issues.

But thankfully that has not deterred Dr. John Gartner–the founder of “Duty to Warn” and a prominent psychologist who was a contributor to the New York Times bestselling book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President”—from raising alarm bells.

So Dean Obeidallah had a conversation … Read the rest

90 actresses say no

Jun 13th, 2024 2:28 pm | By

The Telegraph reports:

A play that criticises JK Rowling’s views on gender is struggling to cast women with 90 actresses so far rejecting parts.

Good! Serves it right!

The stage production, which is set to debut at the Edinburgh Fringe, has already caused outrage over a working title which labelled the gender-critical Harry Potter author a cunt.

Yeah women who defend women’s rights are such cunts, aren’t we.

The production is yet to cast any of the female roles, including that of Rowling herself. The part of Harry Potter film star Emma Watson has also been repeatedly turned down, and around 90 actresses have refused to take part in the project amid concerns over its critique of Rowling.

Calling … Read the rest

A broader pattern

Jun 13th, 2024 11:37 am | By

The Justice Department says cops in Phoenix are doing it wrong.

The Phoenix Police Department routinely uses excessive force and discriminates against Black, Hispanic and Native American people, part of a broader pattern of unconstitutional policing in one of America’s largest cities, according to a Justice Department report released Thursday.

Will there be any such reports if Trump returns? Obviously not.

In a 126-page report, the Justice Department said a federal civil rights investigation found that police in Phoenix use unnecessarily dangerous force, making situations more volatile; fail to provide proper oversight when force is used; and enforce the law based on race. Investigators also found that the department violates the rights of people who are homeless, improperly

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Er ferminin herm

Jun 13th, 2024 11:17 am | By
Er ferminin herm

Ooooh yay, decor tips for trans women. I’m sure I could learn a lot – my decor isn’t all that womany. I’m not sure it’s even decor.

Creating a feminine home is a journey of self-expression and empowerment. This article offers practical decor tips and DIY projects for trans women to transform their living spaces. From selecting a soothing color palette and elegant furniture to adding soft textiles and ambient lighting, these suggestions help create a sanctuary that reflects personal style. 

That’s why we have to tell you how to do it: it’s so personal that only complete strangers can give you lessons in it.

No crude stereotypes there, no indeed.… Read the rest

Erring on the side of ruining kids’ lives

Jun 13th, 2024 8:55 am | By

Labour continues to ignore women.

Labour has pledged to ban conversion therapy despite fears it could stop children who are questioning their gender from getting help. The party unveiled a “fully trans-inclusive ban” in their plans on Thursday, which would come into force should they succeed in the polls.

The Labour Party’s manifesto included a section describing legislation around conversion practices as “a very complex issue”. The document stated: “So-called conversion therapy is abuse – there is no other word for it – so Labour will finally deliver a full trans-inclusive ban on conversion practices, while protecting the freedom for people to explore their sexual orientation and gender identity.”

If “conversion therapy” is “so-called” then how is … Read the rest