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Jun 13th, 2024 8:30 am | By

Hahahahahahahaha classic – she’s nonbinereeeee yet somehow she still ends up on the cover of Harpers Bazaar in her underwear looking passive and vacant. Unshaved armpits=exciting thrilling unusual original rebelliousish gender theater.

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Oh THAT gun

Jun 13th, 2024 5:10 am | By

Convicted felons are not allowed to have guns.

Weeks after he was convicted of 34 felony counts in his hush-money trial, Donald Trump confessed to having a gun—which would be illegal with his felony conviction.

New York City Department of Probation officials questioned the convicted felon and Republican presidential nominee Tuesday in a presentencing interview, and part of the discussion concerned a gun registered to him in the state. Under federal law, convicted felons are not allowed to have guns or ammunition.

Trump turned over two of his three licensed guns to the New York Police Department on March 31, 2023, before he was arrested for paying hush money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. The third gun

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Take a chill pill Jeffrey

Jun 13th, 2024 3:50 am | By

Hahahaha no. Creepy Jeffrey would love that but no.

“Could” if water turned into wine and dogs taught philosophy at Cambridge.

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HIS human rights??

Jun 12th, 2024 6:31 pm | By

William “Lia” Thomas lost.

Lia Thomas, the swimmer who became the first transgender winner of an American collegiate title, has had her case against new World Aquatics rules dismissed by the Court Of Arbitration of Sport.

World Aquatics banned transgender swimmers from the elite female category if they had undergone any part of male puberty following Thomas’s NCAA win in 2022, an intervention which ended Thomas’s hopes of ever competing in women’s swimming events at the Olympics.

As is only right.

Thomas responded by lodging a legal challenge with Cas in September of last year, arguing that the rules were “invalid and unlawful” because they were discriminatory and contrary to the Olympic Charter and European Convention of Human

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Guest post: Invasion of the Critical-Thinking Snatchers

Jun 12th, 2024 3:37 pm | By

Originally a comment by Artymorty on There’s a sucker born every minute.

I’ve never in my life heard of anyone paying for a life coach’s services, and that’s puzzled me more and more; I seem to come across a self-declared life coach online at least once a week. Who the hell are they coaching?

Now I have my answer: like Amway salesmen, life coaches are their own target demographic. The only people gullible enough to buy it are the people gullible enough to get roped into selling it.

It feels like everything is a pyramid scheme these days. In the information-overload/hypertechnology age, we’re all feeling lost at sea and searching for safe harbour. In this environment, people everywhere are … Read the rest

There’s a sucker born every minute

Jun 12th, 2024 10:59 am | By

How is “life coaching” even a thing?

With early roots in the late-20th-century pull toward self-improvement, life coaching broadly encompasses a program of goal-setting and talk-therapy-style sessions aimed at improving an individual’s circumstances and well-being.

They may be “talk-therapy-style” but that doesn’t mean they are talk therapy. There’s no body of knowledge behind “life coaching”; it’s just people giving advice, with no training or education required. I don’t understand why people pay other people to do that when they could just do it themselves.

Business is booming. The International Coaching Federation, the world’s largest nonprofit coaching association, estimated that the industry was worth $4.6 billion in 2022 and that the number of coaches increased 54 percent between 2019 and 2022.

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Clothing, for most people

Jun 12th, 2024 10:06 am | By

Oh SHUT up.

Matt Smith has been praised by fans for correcting Sue Perkins on his House of the Dragon co-star’s pro-nouns during an interview.

The word is “pronouns”; not “pro-nouns”. Illiterate hacks.

The former Doctor Who and The Crown star was chatting to the TV presenter about season two of the prequel to the Game of Thrones franchise when Sue mislabelled actor Emma D’Arcy as a ‘she’. Emma identifies as non-binary and goes by the pronouns they/them – something Matt was quick to effortlessly point out as the interview with former The Great British Bake Off host Sue continued.

Blah blah blah. There’s no such thing as “non-binary.” Nobody has time or energy or inclination to memorize all … Read the rest

It was non-public, dammit

Jun 12th, 2024 9:48 am | By

Can’t a guy call people faggots in the privacy of his own [checks notes] Vatican?

Pope Francis has again been accused of using a highly offensive term to describe gay men in a closed-door meeting, two weeks after the Vatican apologized over his use of the same slur.

The Italian news agency ANSA, citing unnamed sources, reported that Francis used the Italian word in a meeting on Tuesday afternoon in which he suggested gay men should be welcome in the Church but not in seminaries. The Pope is alleged to have used the term in a non-public meeting with Roman priests at the Salesian Pontifical University.

Ok not his own Vatican but his own Pontifical University. Much the same thing. … Read the rest

Oh no, egalitarian beliefs

Jun 12th, 2024 6:11 am | By

Southern institutions are going all-in on the nasty prejudices and persecutions these days.

Southern Baptists say women are inferior.

Even as they prepare to vote on a formal ban on churches with women pastors, delegates to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to boot one such church from its ranks.

Messengers, as voting representatives are known, voted 6,759 to 563 to oust First Baptist Church of Alexandria, a historic Virginia congregation that affirms women can serve in any pastoral role, including as senior pastor.

What’s wrong with saying women can be senior pastors?

Tut, don’t be silly, it’s obvious. Women are inferior. End of story.

“We find no joy in making this recommendation, but have

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White power

Jun 12th, 2024 5:23 am | By

How spiteful.

The Virginia NAACP sued a county school board Tuesday over its reinstatement of Confederate military names to two schools, accusing it of embracing segregationist values and subjecting Black students to a racially discriminatory educational environment.

The school board in Shenandoah County voted 5-1 last month to revert the name of Mountain View High School back to Stonewall Jackson High School, and that of Honey Run Elementary to Ashby Lee Elementary. The vote reversed a 2020 decision to remove the original names against a backdrop of nationwide protests over racial injustice.

Who is Ashby Lee? I had to google. Ashby and Lee are two people; Turner Ashby was a Confederate cavalry commander. Two for the price of one!… Read the rest

Without explanation

Jun 11th, 2024 11:40 am | By

Women have no rights that the manly men must accept.

TikTok has briefly suspended the account of Hey Jane, a prominent telemedicine abortion service, four times without explanation. Instagram has suspended Mayday Health, a nonprofit that provides information about abortion pill access, without explanation as well. And the search engine Bing has erroneously flagged the website for Aid Access, a major seller of abortion pills online, as unsafe.

The [abortion] groups and women’s health advocates say these examples, all from recent months, show why they are increasingly confused and frustrated by how major technology platforms moderate posts about abortion services.

Is that the job of technology platforms? No it is not.

They say the companies’ policies on abortion-related content,

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Bringing people together, minus women

Jun 11th, 2024 10:27 am | By

From the Department of Easy For Him to Say:

Keir Starmer has pledged to end the Tory culture wars if he becomes prime minister. In an exclusive interview, the Labour leader told HuffPost UK that people are “exhausted” by the political battles over issues such as trans rights. And he said he wanted to focus on “bringing people together” rather than creating further division.

Man blows off women’s rights as “culture war” and thinks that will “bring people together.” Is it 1968 again? Are men of the left really still sneering at pesky women and our pesky insistence on our pesky rights?

Starmer has been criticised in the past for shifting his own position on transgender rights. However, the

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Bad-man syndrome

Jun 11th, 2024 5:32 am | By

Another dude dismisses women’s concerns while claiming the women don’t know what they’re talking about.

Martina is not impressed.

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Lumpy ones

Jun 10th, 2024 6:10 pm | By

Nothing but mashed potatoes between those ears.

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How dare we kick up a fuss

Jun 10th, 2024 11:53 am | By

Keir Starmer promises to continue ignoring women.

Keir Starmer has pledged to end the Tory culture wars if he becomes prime minister. In an exclusive interview, the Labour leader told HuffPost UK that people are “exhausted” by the political battles over issues such as trans rights.

So he’ll just continue to ignore women’s concerns. Thanks Mister Sir!

Starmer has been criticised in the past for shifting his own position on transgender rights. However, the Labour leader said his government would look to bring an end to those controversies on day one. He said: “I think people are exhausted by culture wars. My clear view is that the vast majority of the public in general in the UK are reasonable,

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Up to eleventy billion

Jun 10th, 2024 11:37 am | By

Well, maybe, but a question arises. How, exactly, are you defining “transphobia”? How are the people reporting it defining it?

The full caption says “Map shows hotspots for sexual orientation and transgender hate crimes” but the tweet twice says the issue is reports of such “hate crimes.” The two are not the same thing, to put it mildly. Trans “activists” see “hate crimes” everywhere. Of course the stats have shot up when there is so much hyperbolic shouting about dangerous women who refuse … Read the rest

Careful what you wish for

Jun 10th, 2024 10:37 am | By

You what?

There are tentative signs of high pressure building from the west but cool, wet weather is likely to continue across the UK, forecasters say. After a cool and windy weekend, Monday and Tuesday will remain cool for the time of year, the Met Office said, although will feel warmer in sheltered sunshine.

Heavier showers on Monday should ease up by Tuesday, and overnight temperatures will be in the single figures with a chance of grass frost in rural areas. Ellie Glaisyer, a Met Office meteorologist, said the temperatures were “disappointing for June”. 

Oh dear oh dear if only it were hotter.… Read the rest

Are they supposed to fly over the crosswalk?

Jun 10th, 2024 7:29 am | By

Shocking news out of Spokane, a famously boring city in the eastern half of Washington state – the eastern half being the dull, dry, not so scenic, next to Idaho half. You don’t expect much shocking out of Spokane but here it is all the same.

Lime, a popular electric scooter and bike rental service

Lemme stop you for a second right there. It’s not popular with me. I hate the damn thing. People ride the scooters on the sidewalks [pavements in UK-speak], endangering pedestrians who aren’t expecting them and can’t hear them approaching because they’re SILENT. They’re a menace and should be illegal.

Lime, a popular electric scooter and bike rental service, has announced it will be

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Explain that adjective

Jun 9th, 2024 4:27 pm | By

Eeeesh. No it’s not.

No it’s not like that at all. It’s like asking if pretend cats are cats or if fake cars are cars. “Trans” isn’t comparable to “blue” or “tabby” in this attempted analogy, because “trans” means “not real.” Prisoners of the ideology don’t define it that way of course, but all the same that’s what it means.

It’s not a humdrum adjective that simply names an attribute of a person or thing. … Read the rest

So it’s GAAD now

Jun 9th, 2024 10:51 am | By

That’s depressing.

Replies are indignant. … Read the rest