All entries by this author

Researching the minds of non-believers *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

Sociologist Phil Zuckerman says secularists tend to be more ethical than religious people. On average, they are more commonly opposed to the death penalty, war and discrimination.… Read the rest

The bible specifically says we’re weaker

Aug 25th, 2011 5:15 pm | By

And here is Ladies Against Feminism. Yes really.

It too says submission is misunderstood and a wonderful thing if only you know how.

This post makes no attempt to argue the case for servanthood with those of you outside the Christian faith. However, for modern women who consider themselves a part of the Christian faith, this all too common reaction should be alarming. Are we really so prideful that the very suggestion that we take a humble and serving attitude towards our husbands instantly unbridles our tongues and sets our anger blazing?

“Prideful” – is that what it is? But aren’t we always being told that it was Christianity that introduced the idea of human equality to a … Read the rest

Why are women hung up on “submission”?

Aug 25th, 2011 4:58 pm | By

Here’s another submitter, courtesy of pittigemaki.

I like the whole idea and practice of submission. I have heard far too many Christian women snicker, sneer, grumble, roll their eyes, or downright reject the “s word.” But why? Why are women hung up on “submission” when God asks us to do it?

Because women are human beings like other human beings, and there is no good reason to order* human beings of one type to submit to human beings of another type. It’s degrading; it’s an assumption of inferiority; it’s anti-egalitarian. That’s why. The fact that god is supposed to have commanded it doesn’t make it better; it makes god worse.

*The claim is not that god “asks” women … Read the rest

PZ on more accommodationist woofle *

Aug 25th, 2011 | Filed by

It’s a frightful mistake to say Rick Perry is ignorant. Frightful.… Read the rest

Can you call your husband ‘Lord’?

Aug 25th, 2011 11:32 am | By

Doug Phillips, the founder of Vision Forum and a big noise in the Christian patriarchy movement, told the audience at a convention about watching his wife counsel young women who are thinking about marriage. She always asks them “Are you willing to call your husband ‘Lord’?” The answer tends to be shocked silence followed by No. He goes on:

We’re not talking about Lord as in the Creator, but your earthly head. And one that you have to follow, even when he makes bad judgments. Are you ready to do the most vulnerable thing that a woman ever can do and submit yourself to a man, who you are going to have to follow in his faith, who is incredibly

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Katha Pollitt on a submissive wife for president *

Aug 25th, 2011 | Filed by

“The Lord said, ‘Be submissive. Wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands,’” she told the crowd at a Minnesota megachurch.… Read the rest

The armies of god

Aug 25th, 2011 10:47 am | By

So now I know. Like most people, I didn’t realize the people behind Rick Perry’s prayer party are weirder than other prayer police.

With tens, even hundreds of millions of followers worldwide, the NAR’s stress on Godlike prophetic and apostolic powers, its revisions of end-time prophecies, its methodology of “spiritual warfare,” and its agenda of theocratic dominion over all aspects of society are not just threatening to modern secular democracy and the religious pluralism it protects, they have been sharply criticized by other conservative Christians as unbiblical, deviant teachings, even a form of the very demonic practices they obsessively declare war against.

They’re not just messing around.

The new prophets and apostles believe Christians—certain Christians—are destined to

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9 things to know about Perry’s prayer event *

Aug 25th, 2011 | Filed by

NAR’s agenda of theocratic dominion over all aspects of society is threatening to modern secular democracy and the religious pluralism it protects.… Read the rest

Rick Perry’s Army of God *

Aug 25th, 2011 | Filed by

A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was “The Prophet State,” anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government.… Read the rest

An underreported sector of the Religious Right *

Aug 25th, 2011 | Filed by

Rick Perry may have been counting on the fact that most Americans would not be able to distinguish the apostles from any other conservative evangelicals.… Read the rest

Meet The New Apostolic Reformation *

Aug 25th, 2011 | Filed by

This stuff is even crazier than the other crazy stuff – and these are the people who organized Rick Perry’s prayer rally.… Read the rest

Why wives are to submit to their husbands

Aug 24th, 2011 5:41 pm | By

Here’s another one, this time by a man, the pastor of a Reformed Baptist church in Aberystwyth, laying down the law for women.

So the sentiment of our text, that a wife is to submit to her husband, is found
throughout the Spirit-breathed New Testament. It is not a curious message found in just one place – like the phrase in the letter to the Corinthians of being baptized for the dead, whatever the correct meaning of that may be. So rejection of this word by those who claim to reverence the Lord Christ, is plain disobedience.

Except that it wasn’t the Lord Christ who is supposed to have said any of it, it was Paul; why does reverence … Read the rest

The cold war under the bed

Aug 24th, 2011 5:12 pm | By

Oh, Guardian, honestly. Really?

Conservative thinktanks are in a bit of a bind when it comes to responding to the rise of Islamophobia. On the one hand they want to condemn the BNP and the English Defence League for their racism and violence, but on the other they want to downplay the extent and existence of anti-Muslim racism because it might deflect attention from “Islamism” – the catch-all term for politically active Muslims, which they see as the main problem facing the UK.

“Islamism” is not the (or a) catch-all term for politically active Muslims; that is completely ridiculous. It’s a term for political Islam, which is a different thing.

The difficulty with their position is that they end

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Fake rave reviews for sale *

Aug 24th, 2011 | Filed by

As online retailers increasingly depend on reviews as a sales tool, an industry of fibbers and promoters has sprung up to buy and sell raves for a pittance.… Read the rest


Aug 24th, 2011 3:39 pm | By

I’ve been thinking about the Robber’s Cave experiment often lately. I hadn’t heard of the illusion of asymmetric insight though. It’s pretty dang interesting. We think other people are mostly on the surface and easy to understand, while we think we ourselves are mostly hidden and difficult to understand. Really – well that’s conceited. I’ll have to learn to stop thinking that right away.

The same researchers asked people to describe a time when they feel most like themselves. Most subjects, 78 percent, described something internal and unobservable like the feeling of seeing their child excel or the rush of applause after playing for an audience. When asked to describe when they believed friends or relatives were most illustrative of

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Education is the key to Afghanistan’s future *

Aug 24th, 2011 | Filed by

Investing in Afghanistan’s teachers could have been one of the cheapest, quickest ways to reinvigorate the country’s human capital.… Read the rest

Can he trust that you will take care of your duties?

Aug 24th, 2011 1:10 pm | By

I’m reading Kathryn Joyce’s book Quiverfull, and finding interesting things in the process. Like A Virtuous Woman (for her price, as you no doubt recall, is far above rubies – no not Ruby’s, stop that at once, 40 lashes).

A Virtuous Woman tells women how to be virtuous.

Can your husband know that if he needs to bring a co-worker home that the house will be reasonably neat? We will be looking at this in depth in a few days, but for now simply think about it. If your husband goes to work each day, can he trust that you will take care of your duties to the best of your ability?

If your husband asks you to

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Jeffrey Toobin on the Thomases v Obama *

Aug 24th, 2011 | Filed by

As the Justice has assumed an influential role on the Roberts Court, his wife  has helped lead the public war against the Administration.… Read the rest

The illusion of asymmetric insight *

Aug 24th, 2011 | Filed by

You believe you see more of other people’s icebergs than they see of yours; meanwhile, they think the same thing about you.… Read the rest

Paying attention to what isn’t there *

Aug 24th, 2011 | Filed by

If it should be there and isn’t, that could be significant.… Read the rest