All entries by this author

Witch Hunts and the New Dark Age in Africa

Aug 30th, 2011 | By Leo Igwe

As Africa’s foremost scholar once noted, “From time to time, there are witch hunting rituals and cleansing to ensure that witches do not terrorize people and that their powers are kept under control.”

Witches and sorcerers are the most hated people in their community. Even to this day there are places and occasions when they are beaten to death by the rest of the people.

So the witch hunt is not a recent development in Africa. Belief in witchcraft constitutes part of the traditional religion and the witch hunt is a form of traditional religious expression. Witch hunting is as old as the belief in witchcraft in Africa. The persecution of alleged witches has been going on in Africa Read the rest

Eric MacDonald on Kimberly Winston on new atheism *

Aug 30th, 2011 | Filed by

All the so-called “new atheists” are tarred with the same brush, and treated in the same cavalier fashion.… Read the rest

Libya: father slit throats of 3 raped daughters *

Aug 30th, 2011 | Filed by

The girls, 15, 17 and 18, were reported to have been raped by Gaddafi’s soldiers; their father killed them “to lift the shame on his family.”Read the rest

Lawrence Wilkerson on Dick Cheney *

Aug 30th, 2011 | Filed by

“The only person Cheney does not seem to find fault with is Cheney.”… Read the rest

Tony Blair “faith” foundation “helps” the Philippines *

Aug 30th, 2011 | Filed by

150,000 people there have died in religious war, so more faith is just what they need. Go Tony.… Read the rest

Purdah in Texas

Aug 30th, 2011 10:47 am | By

We’ve seen all this before. It’s the stay-at-home-daughters movement.

The stay-at-home-daughters movement, which is promoted by Vision Forum, encourages young girls and single women to forgo college and outside employment in favor of training as “keepers at home” until they marry. Young women pursuing their own ambitions and goals are viewed as selfish and antifamily; marriage is not a choice or one piece of a larger life plan, but the ultimate goal. Stay-at-home daughters spend their days learning “advanced homemaking” skills, such as cooking and sewing, and other skills that at one time were a necessity — knitting, crocheting, soap- and candle-making. A father is considered his daughter’s authority until he transfers control to her husband.

It probably

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Jesus goes butch *

Aug 30th, 2011 | Filed by

The macho Jesus movement has been bolstered by books like No More Mr Christian Nice Guy and The Church Impotent – the Feminisation of Christianity.Read the rest

At least I am not one of them

Aug 29th, 2011 5:49 pm | By

More fact-checking to do.

Harris’s “The End of Faith” launched the so-called “New Atheist” movement, a make-no-apologies ideology that maintains that religion is not just flawed, but evil, and must be rejected.

No, that’s wrong. “New Atheism” doesn’t necessarily claim that religion is flawed; it claims that theism is wrong – not true, mistaken, false; and that it’s permissible to say so in public discussions.

Within two years, Harris was joined on the best-seller list by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett, who all took religion to task for most — if not all — of the world’s ills.

No, that’s wrong. As usual with these things, it’s off the mark about Dennett’s book. Lazy … Read the rest

Hitchens on Rick Perry and religion *

Aug 29th, 2011 | Filed by

The risks of hypocrisy seem forever invisible to the politicized Christians, for
whom sufficient proof of faith consists of loud and unambiguous declarations.… Read the rest

Bachmann says god sent quake and hurricane *

Aug 29th, 2011 | Filed by

Campaign says she was kidding. Oh rilly?… Read the rest

Many health-care workers use alt med *

Aug 29th, 2011 | Filed by

But how many use massage compared to how many use acupuncture?… Read the rest

New atheists are bad newsflash *

Aug 29th, 2011 | Filed by

New atheism is “an ideology that maintains that religion is not just flawed, but evil.” It’s strident and harmful. Tell everyone.… Read the rest

God intended women

Aug 28th, 2011 5:52 pm | By

Some more crazy. From Mary Pride’s The Way Home: Beyond Feminism, Back to Reality (quoted in Quiverful, p 135):

Abortion is first of all a heart attitude: ‘Me first.’ ‘My career first.’ ‘My reputation first.’ ‘My convenience first.’ ‘My financial plans first.’ And these same choices are what family planning, which the churches have endorsed for three decades, is all about.

Yes…………and? Why not? Why not think about one’s own self and career and other plans first when deciding what to do with one’s life?

Well she explains why not.

God intended women to spend their lives serving other people.

Oh. So they don’t get to just decide to have some other kind of life, or to combine taking … Read the rest

Skepticlawyer on the collapse of the DSK case *

Aug 28th, 2011 | Filed by

The prosecutors would have been trying to convince a jury beyond reasonable doubt of a witness they themselves did not believe beyond reasonable doubt.… Read the rest

Pakistan: man rapes girl age 2 *

Aug 28th, 2011 | Filed by

Farmer tells workers to convert to Islam, they refuse, his son age 18 kidnaps and rapes their daughter. Allah is merciful.… Read the rest

To impose the lifestyle of Manhattan and Hollywood

Aug 28th, 2011 3:18 pm | By

Meet the Population Research Institute. It sounds respectable, doesn’t it. But

Founded in 1989, the Population Research Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization dedicated to objectively presenting the truth about population-related issues, and to reversing the trends brought about by the myth of overpopulation. Our growing, global network of pro-life groups spans over 30 countries.

It’s dedicated to objectively presenting its pronatalist antifeminist views as truth, so that’s an oxymoron, innit.

Its mission is to

Debunk the myth of overpopulation, which cheapens human life and paves the way for abusive population control programs

Expose the relentless promotion of abortion, abortifacient contraception, and chemical and surgical sterilization in misleadingly labeled “population stabilization,” “family planning,” and “reproductive health” programs.

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Ghana: gay rights coalition fights back *

Aug 28th, 2011 | Filed by

The Western Region Minister, Paul Evans Aidoo, made an order for the ‘immediate arrest of all homosexuals in the (Western) region.’… Read the rest

Glenn Beck explains god’s way of messaging *

Aug 28th, 2011 | Filed by

God tells us things via earthquakes and hurricanes, like “look what I can do” and “be prepared.”… Read the rest

JREF offers challenge to celebrity “psychics” *

Aug 28th, 2011 | Filed by

“James Van Praagh and Allison DuBois have turned the huckster art of ‘cold reading’ into a multi-million-dollar industry.”… Read the rest

Patriarchy, when it’s done right

Aug 27th, 2011 3:29 pm | By

There was a large and interesting conflict between Doug Phillips of Vision Forum and Boerne Christian Assembly (a small San Antonio church where he was pastor) and a parishioner named Jennifer Epstein, a conflict that was all about submission and asymmetrical rules. The condensed version is that Jennifer Epstein’s husband Mark had problems with anger and Phillips simply kept telling her to be more and more and more submissive; she tried to argue her case, and Phillips ended up throwing both of them and their children out of the church.

Epstein met her husband when both were in the military.

She’d thrived under military discipline, memorizing long lists of rules and regulations, willing to submit to such authority, she says,

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