All entries by this author

JREF offers challenge to celebrity “psychics” *

Aug 28th, 2011 | Filed by

“James Van Praagh and Allison DuBois have turned the huckster art of ‘cold reading’ into a multi-million-dollar industry.”… Read the rest

Patriarchy, when it’s done right

Aug 27th, 2011 3:29 pm | By

There was a large and interesting conflict between Doug Phillips of Vision Forum and Boerne Christian Assembly (a small San Antonio church where he was pastor) and a parishioner named Jennifer Epstein, a conflict that was all about submission and asymmetrical rules. The condensed version is that Jennifer Epstein’s husband Mark had problems with anger and Phillips simply kept telling her to be more and more and more submissive; she tried to argue her case, and Phillips ended up throwing both of them and their children out of the church.

Epstein met her husband when both were in the military.

She’d thrived under military discipline, memorizing long lists of rules and regulations, willing to submit to such authority, she says,

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Bomb Attack in Nigeria: Islamists Continue to Waste Human Lives

Aug 27th, 2011 | By Leo Igwe

Yesterday, Islamic terrorists struck again. They reportedly exploded a bomb at the UN House in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. The blast which shattered some parts of the building killed at least 18 people and injured many others. A local Islamist group, Boko Haram, has claimed responsibility for the attack. Boko Haram is said to have links with al Qaeda and Al Shabab in Somalia. It reportedly recruits militants from Nigeria, Chad, Niger and other African countries.

Boko Haram is waging a violent campaign for the strict implementation of sharia. Sharia is already in force in 12 states in Northern Nigeria. In 2000, politicians in Muslim-majority states foisted the Islamic law on citizens in these states in violation of the … Read the rest

“Christians can’t be egalitarians.”

Aug 27th, 2011 11:58 am | By

It’s helpful that they come right out and say it.

Narrated by Amy Gunn [wife of Colin, one of the brothers Gunn], Monstrous Regiment argues that “Christians can’t be egalitarians. We believe in hierarchy and inherent authority.”

Oh. Right. Thanks for spelling it out. That’s why we hate and fear you. We think that belief is evil.… Read the rest

The holy cinema

Aug 27th, 2011 11:30 am | By

Meet the Gunn brothers. They make exciting Christian documentary movies that win awards from organizations that give awards to Christian movies.

They made Shaky Town, which is about the persecution of Christians by the evil gayz in San Francisco.

You’ll hear testimonies from Christian Heroes involved in a front-line battle against immorality in the so-called“tolerant” city. You’ll also see real video footage of Christian churches in San Francisco being attacked by violent groups of homosexuals. So be warned, this movie is not for the faint-hearted!

And they made The Monstrous Regiment of Women, which you can guess what it’s about (hello John Knox!). The page is super super super scary though, so be warned – it includes … Read the rest

Laurent Laveder *

Aug 27th, 2011 | Filed by

The guy who did those amazing moon photos.… Read the rest

Never heard that before

Aug 27th, 2011 10:29 am | By

How exciting: a new fresh original unexpected take on theNewAtheism. (Illustrated, I have to add, by a staggeringly banal sculpture called “the Hand of God” which is…a big hand, with a Man perched on it. Wo!!!!!!! Mind-blowing, huh?)

It’s James Wood who has the excitingly new fresh original unexpected take. He breakes the mold in the very first sentence.

In the last 10 years or so, the rise of American evangelicalism and the menace of Islamist fundamentalism, along with developments in physics and in theories of evolution and cosmogony, have encouraged a certain style of aggressive, often strident atheistic critique.

And everything that follows is equally challenging and paradigm-exploding.

I can’t be the only reader who finds himself in

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“Housewives, shut up” *

Aug 27th, 2011 | Filed by

Study finds boys think talking about problems is unhelpful; media report this as girls talk too much. Brilliant.… Read the rest

James Wood on “the New Atheism” *

Aug 27th, 2011 | Filed by

Aggressive, strident, simplistic, Terry Eagleton, practice, Wittgenstein, literalism, parasitic, militant, warfare, polemic, metaphor.… Read the rest

Hitchens on Libya *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

It was particularly satisfying to see the use as real space of areas that had been reserved for that special kind of degradation – the rally for The Leader. … Read the rest

The wit and wisdom of Simon Jenkins *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

When protecting civilians from crimes against humanity shades into the issue of removing the regime responsible, it arguably is our business.… Read the rest

Boko Haram says it bombed UN building in Abuja *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

The car bomb killed at least 18 people. Boko Haram is fighting for the establishment of Sharia in Nigeria… Read the rest

As a living sacrifice

Aug 26th, 2011 3:25 pm | By

A wives-submit type explained to Kathryn Joyce.

“Man is ultimately responsible, when he stands up before God in heaven, for how he ran and managed his family. We women are responsible for how we were as helpmeets. We’re not supposed to be wearing the pants to the elbows, like a lot of women do. We’re equally intelligent and capable of doing the things theat men do, but that doesn’t mean we have to or that we should.” This is a common rejoinder of biblical womanhood advocates…they acknowledge women’s equal capacity, but they suggest that women lay their abilities aside with their pride as a living sacrifice fit for their Savior. [Quiverfull p 71]

But why? That’s what I want … Read the rest

Atos explains the threats to CarerWatch *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

It was a five-month-old link on the CarerWatch forum.… Read the rest

Christian taqqiya

Aug 26th, 2011 12:24 pm | By

Frank Schaeffer points out that Michele Bachmann is not telling the truth about whether or not she submits to her husband. He knows what he’s talking about, too: his father was one of the sources of the anti-feminist Dominionist movement.

Bachmann understands just how extreme her part of the evangelical movement is. She also understands that a certain amount of godly lying will be needed to mask that. She understood that the question she was asked the other day was about a biblical teaching that is misogynistic to the core and advocates total submission of a wife to a husband. It is teaching she’s signed on to long ago.

The people, churches and groups that shaped Bachmann’s thinking are far

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Frank Schaeffer on Michele Bachmann *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

She knows she signed up to a biblical teaching that is misogynistic to the core, and that she has to hide that fact.… Read the rest

Kathryn Joyce on biblical battered wife syndrome *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

According to Rick Warren’s Saddleback church, divorce is permitted only in cases of adultery or abandonment, and never for abuse. … Read the rest

Lesbian fired from son’s Boy Scout troop *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

She told the scoutmaster her partner was a woman; no problem; but then a Christian zealot found out and pitched a fit.… Read the rest

Norwegian imam: behead those who don’t fast *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

Imprison those who don’t pray 5 times a day. This guy wants to open a school.… Read the rest

Shahbaz Taseer kidnapped in Lahore *

Aug 26th, 2011 | Filed by

His father, Salman Taseer, was murdered by an Islamist bodyguard last December.… Read the rest