All entries by this author

Blair and Brown not invited to the royal wedding *

Apr 29th, 2011 | Filed by

Palace explains. We forgot. No, they’re not knights of the garter. No, it wasn’t a state occasion. No, they’re not Vic’s great-great-great grandsons.… Read the rest

Pop culture interlude

Apr 29th, 2011 12:28 pm | By

So James Spader is one of the group of possible successors to Steve Carrell. That would be fun. I thought he was brilliant in Boston Legal.

I liked the red mittens. The oven mitt thing was really mean. The red mittens repaired that.… Read the rest

China scolds Salman Rushdie about human rights *

Apr 29th, 2011 | Filed by

Rushdie called for the release of Ai Weiwei. China calls this “blatant interference in China’s judicial independence.”… Read the rest

Jerry Coyne on the archbish on evolution *

Apr 29th, 2011 | Filed by

Buried within the leaden prose is a deep and abiding dislike for evolutionary biology and genetics in particular.… Read the rest

Charles Freeman on reliquaries at the British Museum *

Apr 28th, 2011 | Filed by

Glittering opulence risks concealing the anguish poured out at the shrines as those desperate for salvation pleaded with a saint to intercede with God for them.… Read the rest

This is not a job for bomb makers

Apr 28th, 2011 4:43 pm | By

Another thought about “Why Do We Need New Atheists?” (subtle way of announcing a desire to get rid of us, that title). The post is actually a pretty rich study in scapegoating and other forms of disguised hostility, so despite its nastiness and wrongness, it repays a close look.

(The disguised part really interests me. I’ve said before, probably more than once, that one thing I really dislike is hostility or rivalry that tries to dress itself up as its own opposite. I really hate it when people are obviously brawling or competing but pretend that they’re just joking or “teasing” or being absent-minded. I especially hate it when women do that, because it fits a stereotype about us.

This … Read the rest

God is loving and holy

Apr 28th, 2011 11:13 am | By

Greta Christina pointed out a little nightmare of a post by William Lane Craig at his wittily-named blog “Reasonable Faith,” saying that genocide is ok because God decided.

I haven’t properly read Greta’s article yet because I wanted to read Craig first. I’m doing that now.

He says about the genocide of the Canaanites.

These stories offend our moral sensibilities.  Ironically, however, our moral sensibilities in the West have been largely, and for many people unconsciously, shaped by our Judaeo-Christian heritage, which has taught us the intrinsic value of human beings, the importance of dealing justly rather than capriciously, and the necessity of the punishment’s fitting the crime.  The Bible itself inculcates the values which these stories seem to violate.

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Hitchens on the upcoming nuptials *

Apr 28th, 2011 | Filed by

By some mystic alchemy, the breeding imperatives for a dynasty become the stuff of romance, even “fairy tale.”… Read the rest

Stupid “birther” ravings carry on regardless *

Apr 28th, 2011 | Filed by

“It’s easier psychologically to come up with a rationalization than it is to admit that you were wrong,” said Ronald Lindsay.… Read the rest

The squalor of US politics *

Apr 28th, 2011 | Filed by

Obama wearily produced his birth certificate, so the loons changed the subject. “How did he get into those Ivy League schools? Huh? Explain that!”… Read the rest

Russell Blackford on atheists against atheism *

Apr 28th, 2011 | Filed by

Atheist thinkers have joined the backlash against the New Atheism, often employing far nastier tones than anything in the New Atheist writings themselves.… Read the rest

Oh hai, why can’t the new atheists be nice?

Apr 27th, 2011 5:18 pm | By

Why can’t they, asks “interfaith” atheist (don’t ask me, I don’t know how that works) Chris Stedman via a guest post on his blog by someone called Karla McLaren. He says “It’s a hugely informative and clear-eyed assessment of the state of the atheist movement.” I don’t agree. I think it’s just the 14 millionth installment of “new atheists are bad and mean ick.”

Atheism, McLaren informs us, is more visible thanks to those books by the four New Ones, or as she calls them, “the Fractious Four.” Yes really.

I call them the Fractious Four, which has a cool superhero ring to it (even though their superpower is to argue with everybody).

Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris have written polemics

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Ron Lindsay on atheism, humanism and “interfaith” *

Apr 27th, 2011 | Filed by

 We should avoid the “faith” label at least as vigorously as we avoid the “religion” label.… Read the rest

Topp theologian says genocide ok if god says so *

Apr 27th, 2011 | Filed by

Look: the Canaanite adults were corrupt and deserving of judgement. The children inherit eternal life. It’s all good.… Read the rest


Apr 27th, 2011 12:40 pm | By

The question is, how do we decide what “new atheism” is? What is new atheism, who gets to decide, how do we know?

The answer turns out to be that we simply define it as that which we dislike. Easy. Circular, but easy.

Rob Knop for instance:

Do the New Atheists really believe that they aren’t being argumentative, aggreessive, and generally dickish in their attacks on religion? Or, are the religious the “other” against whom any sort of rude behavior is justified?

There we go – easy. “The” New Atheists are – always and everywhere – being argumentative, aggreessive, and generally dickish in their attacks on religion. End of story. Simple. “I dislike ‘New Atheism’ because ‘New Atheists’ … Read the rest

Atheist “chaplains” in the military *

Apr 27th, 2011 | Filed by

Atheist leaders acknowledge the seeming contradiction, but they believe the imprimatur of the chaplaincy will embolden atheists who worry about being ostracized.… Read the rest

Sanal Edamaruku on India without Sai Baba *

Apr 27th, 2011 | Filed by

Sathya Sai Baba launched a “counter revolution” of superstition, supported by irresponsible politicians and other public figures who should have known better.… Read the rest

Barbara Forrest’s brave and important work *

Apr 27th, 2011 | Filed by

The Synthese controversy will have one good outcome if it brings Forrest’s work for real science education in Louisiana to the attention of the philosophical community.… Read the rest

A Gnu does the Colbert Report *

Apr 27th, 2011 | Filed by

A C Grayling explains humanism to Stephen Colbert.… Read the rest

Texas: Bill Nye booed for saying moon reflects light *

Apr 26th, 2011 | Filed by

See, the bible says there were two lights, a big one for the day and a little one for the night, and that’s good enough for Texas.… Read the rest