All entries by this author

Gordon Wood Reviews Gary Nash *

Jun 12th, 2005 | Filed by

Strawmen and misinterpretations in Nash’s history from below.… Read the rest

Tragedy in Brooklyn

Jun 12th, 2005 4:33 am | By

Katha Pollitt rocks.

So it’s 2005 and this is the academic question that has driven the Daily News and the right-wing New York Sun into apoplectic fits, and caused heartburn all over CUNY: Should Tim Shortell, an atheist, be allowed to assume the chair of the sociology department of Brooklyn College? You know, an atheist–someone who doesn’t believe in God. An anticleric. A disrespecter of religion. A mocker of Christianity.

This is what I’m saying. This is why atheists sometimes use noneuphemistic language. It’s because atheism is viewed and treated and spoken of as a crime and an outrage and something that ought not to be allowed. And that’s why the habit of just bashfully not mentioning the fact … Read the rest

The ‘Dutch-Muslim Culture War’ *

Jun 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Tensions between feminists and male lefties who…don’t get it.… Read the rest

Julian Baggini Interviews John Carey *

Jun 11th, 2005 | Filed by

The arts can make our lives richer but can’t make us better people.… Read the rest

Blake Morrison Reviews John Carey *

Jun 11th, 2005 | Filed by

He ‘takes the side of the little man against the big shots.’ Hmmm.… Read the rest

Katha Pollitt on Brooklyn Prof Godless Shocker *

Jun 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Brooklyn College is a public, secular institution, not a Bible college.… Read the rest

Lisa Appignanesi on Simone de Beauvoir *

Jun 11th, 2005 | Filed by

The Bogart and Bacall of existentialism?… Read the rest

Only as Good As

Jun 10th, 2005 4:57 pm | By

My colleague didn’t get lost yesterday, and I did manage to figure out which square Starbucks in a square outside the entrance to Westlake Mall he meant (it was kind of unmistakable, in fact, a freestanding little glass mansion of Starbucks all on its own), so we did meet up as opposed to standing around stupidly in the wrong place. They wanted to go someplace pretty and not too far away as they had to get bus back to the airport quite soon, so we went to a park on the water about a mile north of downtown. Then we argued about whether this park beat Nonsuch or not – I said no!!, they said yes!! – but then we … Read the rest

Women Call for Better Education for Girls Worldwide *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Almost 60 million girls lack chance to go to school.… Read the rest

Pope Tells Africa: Keep Chaste or Die *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Church’s teachings of chastity and fidelity only ‘fail safe’ ways to stop spread of Aids.… Read the rest

Lethal Insanity Continues *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Pope says HIV and Aids in Africa should be tackled through fidelity and abstinence, not condoms.… Read the rest

Blame Beethoven *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Beethoven turned to narcissistic focus on composer’s own tortured soul.… Read the rest

Slightly Woolly Review of Michael Shermer Book *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Woolly about Tierney book, ‘evenhandedness,’ but worth a read.… Read the rest

Racial and Religious Hatred Bill *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

‘For “racial hatred” substitute “racial or religious hatred”.’… Read the rest

Yes, That’s the Problem *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Line in the sand which indicates to people a line beyond which they cannot go.’… Read the rest

Polly Toynbee on Religious Hatred Bill *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Enlightenment values under growing threat from collective softening of the brain.… Read the rest

Not Contempt but Outrage

Jun 9th, 2005 8:18 pm | By

Norm has a post on religion and Hitchens and the vexed subject of ‘contempt for religious believers and what they believe’ that I have – however reluctantly! however ashen with misgivings, trembling with nerves, tottering with distress, quaking with anxiety, keening with regret – disagreed with him about in the past.

It might be suggested on Hitch’s behalf that, whether it meets such needs or not, because religious belief isn’t substantively true, all it merits is contempt from atheists and humanists; and its adherents, likewise, only deserve disrespect in one or another mode. But that religion isn’t true cannot be a sufficient reason for this; it is quite standard in democratic and pluralist societies to disagree in a tolerant

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Students Assault Academics *

Jun 9th, 2005 | Filed by

Problem more widespread than previous research had shown. … Read the rest

Religious Hatred Law *

Jun 9th, 2005 | Filed by

More mischief-making claims predicted.

External Resources

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Mugabe’s ‘Urban Clean-up’ Continues *

Jun 9th, 2005 | Filed by

‘People disappear and you don’t know what happened to them all.’… Read the rest