All entries by this author

MCB Accuses BBC of Witch Hunt *

Aug 21st, 2005 | Filed by

BBC says MCB put pressure on Panorama interviewees to withdraw from program.… Read the rest

The Puking Young Woman of the Continent *

Aug 21st, 2005 | Filed by

Modern mindset demands quick fixes and is unwilling to defer gratification.… Read the rest

Not Sucking but Yawning *

Aug 21st, 2005 | Filed by

How hard the brain sucks depends in part on what you are trying to push into it. … Read the rest

The Price of Multiculturalism *

Aug 20th, 2005 | Filed by

It has encouraged the politicisation of identity in ethnic or religious terms.… Read the rest

Woolly Discussion of Multiculturalism *

Aug 20th, 2005 | Filed by

Failure to define terms leaves all in confusion.… Read the rest

Philosophers to Consider Movies at Seminar *

Aug 20th, 2005 | Filed by

Hoping application of philosophy to popular medium can make it more accessible. … Read the rest

Like Lana Turner Discovered at Soda Fountain *

Aug 20th, 2005 | Filed by

Danto could do something as art critic he could not do as philosopher, namely philosophize.… Read the rest

They Don’t Get Out Much, You See

Aug 20th, 2005 2:18 am | By

North West Frontier Province – what a fun place that must be.

Hundreds of thousands of women in various NWFP union councils (UCs) will be stopped from voting in the upcoming local council elections despite pressure by the Election Commission and government on jirgas to allow women to participate in the polls, Geo news channel reported on Tuesday. Tribal elder Haji Rahat Hussain said agreements to bar women from contesting and voting in the local council elections were signed by male candidates including nazims and naib nazims with a view to maintain law and order, the channel reported. “Traditionally, our women have always stayed away from elections and they are not even ready to step out of their homes,” he

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Eternal Recurrence

Aug 19th, 2005 8:53 pm | By

Not again.

Atheism, like religion, is an act of faith: evidence for the existence of God may be entirely anecdotal, but evidence for His absence is even more tenuous.

Oy, oy, oy – will that stupid trope never die? It ought to – it is so lame. Yeah right, atheism is an act of faith, and not collecting stamps is a hobby, and not playing squash is a sport, and not eating lentils is vegetarianism, and not taking a train is travel.

I don’t know if you listed to that Radio One series of philosophical chats, but one of the funnier moments was on the last one, when a Christian philosopher – a philosopher who is also a … Read the rest

Women Barred in Order to Maintain Law and Order *

Aug 19th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Traditionally, our women have always stayed away from elections and they are not even ready to step out of their homes.’… Read the rest

Challenge to Jurgas’ Decision on Women Voting *

Aug 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Jirga unanimously decided not to allow women voters to come to polling stations. … Read the rest

Women Barred From Voting in NWFP *

Aug 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Senior Minister doesn’t know why media is so senstive about this issue.… Read the rest

Meet Some Scientists *

Aug 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Martin Rees, Freeman Dyson, Francis Crick, E O Wilson, and more.… Read the rest

Normblog Profile Hits Century Mark *

Aug 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Revisit some high spots.… Read the rest

Roger Scruton *

Aug 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Not an apologia but a reminder.… Read the rest

Fareed Zakaria *

Aug 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Interviews non-Yanks on tv show, giving US needed dose of cosmopolitanism.… Read the rest

Surplus to Requirements

Aug 19th, 2005 2:18 am | By

Norm makes a good point, one that I’ve been vaguely wanting to make for awhile. He’s commenting on Michael Howard’s piece in the Guardian yesterday. Howard:

What do I mean by being proud to be British? At its core is a profound respect for, and allegiance to, the institutions that make Britain what it is, and the values that underpin those institutions.


The point I want to make is simply that it’s not because the values Howard mentions are British values that we owe them allegiance, but because they’re good ones – democratic, liberal, universally defensible. They are superior to those values which, for example, countenance the treatment of some people as inferior to others, or the silencing

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From the Ridiculous to the More Ridiculous *

Aug 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Australian witch sues under religious hatred law.… Read the rest

Pope Seeks Promise of Immunity *

Aug 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Texas lawsuit accuses him of conspiring to cover up molestation of three boys by seminarian.… Read the rest

Should Philosophers Review Philosophy? *

Aug 18th, 2005 | Filed by

And historians history, novelists novels? Or should they swap?… Read the rest