Robertson wants to ward off ‘communist infiltration and Muslim extremism’ in Venezeula. Eh?… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Pat Robertson Calls for Chavez Assassination
Aug 23rd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Cheaper than war, says Christian zealot, and oil shipments won’t stop.… Read the rest
Intimidation by ‘Animal Rights’ Activists Wins One
Aug 23rd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Guinea pig farm closes after years of death threats and cruelty.… Read the rest
Jonathan Miller Visits a Church
Aug 23rd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
When it comes to things that science doesn’t know, ‘God is not an explanation.’… Read the rest
Mona Altahawy in Asharq Alawsat
Aug 23rd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Concerns about Muslim Brotherhood’s position on women, on Shariah and on religious minorities.… Read the rest
Sharia Law and the Globalization of Political Islam
Aug 23rd, 2005 | By Homa ArjomandI am very pleased to be here amongst you all, next to Ayaan Hersi Ali and Irshad Manji. It is hard to find opportunities such as this; to be able to share the idea of having a better life for all and identify with the supporters in an audience such as yourselves. So I will make the most of these moments by giving the focus of this discussion to the topic of this conference, Sharia Law and the Globalization of Political Islam.
I need to emphasize that I am talking about political Islam as a movement. As a movement it is very active in politics and is after its own state. Other aspects such as culture and laws serve its … Read the rest
We Have a Problem
Aug 23rd, 2005 2:20 am | By Ophelia BensonSo there’s a transcript of Panorama – very useful for those of us too far away to watch it.
Much food for thought. John Ware:
Extremism feeds off a conviction that Islam is a superior faith and culture which Christians and Jews in the West are conspiring to undermine. My journey through Muslim communities since the London bombings suggests their leaders have not acknowledged the extent to which these views are held in Britain.
He talks to Dr Taj Hargey, who runs a centre for what he calls ‘progressive inclusive Islam.’ Good luck, Dr Hargey, then.
… Read the restAd infinitum and ad nauseum, it’s there, it’s with us. We see it from the time you’re a child, you’re given this idea that
Panorama Transcript
Aug 22nd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘God likes Muslims and dislikes Kafirs.’… Read the rest
Philosophy for Children
Aug 22nd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Lively discussions develop around the topics of beauty, truth, justice and reality.… Read the rest
Peter Singer on Animal Rights in the US
Aug 22nd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Many states have exemptions to anticruelty laws for ‘common farming practices.’… Read the rest
Pope Warns Against Secularism
Aug 22nd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Also DIY religion. Accept no substitutes.… Read the rest
Talking to Rushdie
Aug 22nd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
What happened with The Satanic Verses was a kind of prologue, now we’re in the main event.… Read the rest
Carl Zimmer on the Scientific Output of ID
Aug 22nd, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
That long list of peer-reviewed articles and citations – it must be around somewhere…… Read the rest
Peering into the Gap
Aug 22nd, 2005 2:24 am | By Ophelia BensonI’m reading Chris Mooney’s new book The Republican War on Science. It’s pretty enthralling. Infuriating too, of course, but mostly enthralling. It’s so…so B&W. Consider this item from B&W’s ‘About’ page, the last in a list of what B&W was set up to oppose: ‘Those disciplines or schools of thought whose truth claims are prompted by the political, ideological and moral commitments of their adherents, and the general tendency to judge the veracity of claims about the world in terms of such commitments.’ Now consider this item from the book: ‘At a time when more political choices than ever before hinge upon the scientific and technical competence of our elected leaders, the disregard for scientific consensus and expertise – … Read the rest
The Wrong Socks
Aug 21st, 2005 11:13 pm | By Ophelia BensonMore discussion of multiculturalism:
Multiculturalism has encouraged the politicisation of identity in ethnic or religious terms…[T]he children of immigrants from the Indian subcontinent or the Middle East have little option but to adopt the label of Muslim, which is thrust upon them by British society as much as by their own parents. If young Muslim women have embraced the hijab as a badge of identity in a way their mothers never did, as a public political symbol, this is more a result of the demands of British multiculturalism than a spontaneous assertion of allegiance.
Thrust upon them by the British media as well as by British society. The default assumption seems to be that if you look as if … Read the rest
A Founder of MCB Says It Is in Denial
Aug 21st, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘The MCB is seen [by whom?] as representing mainstream Muslim opinion in the UK.’… Read the rest
Letters on Observer Article on MCB
Aug 21st, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘Thank god that someone has finally seen through the PR machine of the MCB.’… Read the rest
MCB Accuses BBC of Witch Hunt
Aug 21st, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
BBC says MCB put pressure on Panorama interviewees to withdraw from program.… Read the rest
The Puking Young Woman of the Continent
Aug 21st, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Modern mindset demands quick fixes and is unwilling to defer gratification.… Read the rest
Not Sucking but Yawning
Aug 21st, 2005 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
How hard the brain sucks depends in part on what you are trying to push into it. … Read the rest