All entries by this author

The Fury of Creationists Scorned *

Aug 17th, 2005 | Filed by

Re-fighting the Scopes trial eighty years later.… Read the rest

12% of Iraqis Approve Female Equality *

Aug 17th, 2005 | Filed by

69% say women’s rights okay unless they contradict Islam.… Read the rest

Houzan Mahmoud on Women in Iraq *

Aug 17th, 2005 | Filed by

Women in Iraq are being pushed into a corner and the constitution is likely to keep them trapped there.… Read the rest

Controversy Over US Drug Adverts *

Aug 17th, 2005 | Filed by

Over-selling the benefits and under-selling the risks.… Read the rest

Defiantly Obscure Texts

Aug 16th, 2005 11:39 pm | By

Look, if you’re going to talk about bullshit, you should at least be thorough about it, am I right?

In a paper published a few years ago, “Deeper Into Bullshit,” G. A. Cohen, a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, protested that Frankfurt excludes an entire category of bullshit: the kind that appears in academic works. If the bullshit of ordinary life arises from indifference to truth, Cohen says, the bullshit of the academy arises from indifference to meaning. It may be perfectly sincere, but it is nevertheless nonsensical. Cohen, a specialist in Marxism, complains of having been grossly victimized by this kind of bullshit as a young man back in the nineteen-sixties, when he did a lot of reading

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Evangelical Scientists on ‘Intelligent Falling’ *

Aug 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Scientists from Center For Faith-Based Reasoning say long-held ‘theory of gravity’ is flawed.… Read the rest

Aer Lingus an Inspiration to Flexible Labour Fans *

Aug 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Had plan to make life difficult for workers so they would take voluntary redundancy.… Read the rest

Women Have Too Much Power, Men Redundant *

Aug 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Former BBC newsreader describes life in alternative universe.… Read the rest

‘Flexible’ Labour Plan *

Aug 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Provoke strike, fire workers, hire cheaper ones. What larks.… Read the rest

Three Books on Truth *

Aug 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Simon Blackburn, Harry Frankfurt, Laura Penny.… Read the rest

Ian Hacking on Steven Rose on the Brain *

Aug 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Consciousness, memory, phantom trees, Locke, Damasio, Leibniz.… Read the rest

Replies to Hattersley *

Aug 16th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Taking any religion seriously is in nobody’s real interests.’… Read the rest

Majority of UK Muslims Follow a Liberal Islam *

Aug 16th, 2005 | Filed by

And do not consider the MCB representative, says Dr Shaaz Mahboob.… Read the rest

Toronto Sharia Conference

Aug 16th, 2005 | By Homa Arjomand

TORONTO – Canada, August 12th, 2005 – Over 400 people filled the ‘Earth Sciences Centre’ at the University of Toronto on August 12th. Despite three changes of venue leaving less than a week to sell tickets with no proper ticket selling process, people eagerly came to hear three brave women speak about how Sharia law is used to oppress Muslim women in Canada, Holland and around the world.

Sixty-six media people attended the press conference. Some of the news organizations present were CBC, CTV, Global TV, Omni TV, PBS, Globe and Mail , NOW magazine, Reuters, Toronto Star and Vogue.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who must live under police protection in a safe house in the Netherlands, took the risk of … Read the rest

Time to Admit

Aug 16th, 2005 2:20 am | By

Let’s everybody say this kind of thing more and more often, okay? More and more and more and more. Because there’s so much of the other kind of thing. And the more there is of the other kind of thing, and the less there is of this kind of thing, the more the other kind thinks it’s right, it’s the mainstream, it’s common knowledge, it’s conventional wisdom, it’s obvious, it’s the default position. The only way to resist is by resisting.

It’s time that we acknowledged honestly what most people believe, that religion is at bottom nonsense…[W]hat I think we should acknowledge is that religion contains a massive falsehood, namely that there is a God who determines our actions and

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Religion Contains a Massive Falsehood *

Aug 15th, 2005 | Filed by

That there is a God who determines our actions and responds to our plight.… Read the rest

Sacranie Defends Mawdudi *

Aug 15th, 2005 | Filed by

Says efforts to discredit MCB stem from ‘Islamophobic agenda’. … Read the rest

No Hidden Agenda, BBC Says *

Aug 15th, 2005 | Filed by

MCB accuses BBC of creating mistrust of British Muslims in a Panorama special.… Read the rest

BBC Rejects MCB’s Accusations of Bias *

Aug 15th, 2005 | Filed by

A BBC spokeswoman said yesterday that it would defend the programme.… Read the rest

Who is William T. Vollman and Why Did the NY Times Invite Him to Write about Nietzsche?

Aug 15th, 2005 | By Brian Leiter

A review of a Nietzsche book in The New York Times is rare, and even rarer, it seems, is the decision to enlist a reviewer competent in the material. Although Curtis Cate’s biography of Nietzsche appeared nearly two years ago, just today the Times has run a lengthy review of the book by the writer and novelist William Vollman, who, best I can tell, has no expertise in the subject, and who certainly displays none in the review.

The review – predictably, I suppose, for the Times – concentrates mostly on gossip about Nietzsche’s personal relations, and although there are breathless references to Nietzsche’s “bravery,” his “savagely independent intellect,” and “his incomparable mind,” there is almost no actual discussion of … Read the rest