All entries by this author

Ian Buruma on Bad Arguments for Blame Bushblair *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Suicide bombers recognise no state outside imaginary community of pure faith.… Read the rest

Shocking Outcome in Afghanistan *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Woman dares to run for office.… Read the rest

Appeasement Won’t Change Minds *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

How much is the world prepared to tolerate before intervening against murderous regimes?… Read the rest

Why Blame the Terrorists? *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Why not blame the Enlightenment instead?… Read the rest

Unite Against Terror *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

We stand in solidarity with all these strangers, hand holding hand, from London to Netanya to Baghdad: communities united against terror.… Read the rest

How Real Estate Went Pro, Then Academic *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Sellers see what they are doing as a kind of applied social science.… Read the rest

Scott McLemee on Microcosmographia Academica *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

After almost a century, it remains as sharp as ever: parts might have been written last week.… Read the rest

Sex, Violence and Philosophy [audio] *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Three would-be hipsters discuss.… Read the rest

Describing Jihadist Terrorism as Reactive is Wrong *

Jul 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Islamism is a real ideology; it is fatuous and counterproductive to claim otherwise. … Read the rest

Words 2

Jul 15th, 2005 8:58 pm | By

Another tendentious word, while we’re on the subject – another one that we’ve been hearing a lot lately (and hear a lot all the time anyway).


Yeah, so, what’s wrong with that? Well, it depends. It can be benign enough, if and when everything is going well. Except that condition never seems to apply, does it. And when things are not going well, community can decidedly cut the other way. Community works to exclude as well as include, as many people have pointed out; it fosters dislike or hatred of non-members as well as loyalty to and solidarity with members; and it can isolate. Trevor Phillips on yesterday’s The World Tonight talked about the way the multicultural emphasis on … Read the rest

Not Islamophobia but Paranoia *

Jul 15th, 2005 | Filed by

David Goodhart on the rhetoric of grievance.… Read the rest

Simone de Beauvoir the Bono of Post-WW II Paris *

Jul 15th, 2005 | Filed by

She and Sartre-Geldof acted as triggers of public and political conscience.… Read the rest

The Ancient Quest for Emotional Integrity *

Jul 15th, 2005 | Filed by

Kierkegaard and the place of emotion in philosophy.… Read the rest

Prayer ‘No Aid to Heart Patients’ *

Jul 15th, 2005 | Filed by

There’s a surprise…… Read the rest

Sassy? Rocking the Boat? Is This a Game? *

Jul 15th, 2005 | Filed by

London was punished because ‘the pond that divides Britain and America is a shallow one.’… Read the rest


Jul 15th, 2005 2:05 am | By

There’s been a lot of discussion of the BBC’s policy on the use of the t-word. But that’s not the only tendentious word around. I was reading this article earlier today and I noticed another one.

Around this time, he was sent to Pakistan to visit relatives. He also went on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, grew a beard and began to wear robes. Despite becoming devoutly religious, he was arrested for shoplifting during 2004.

Can you tell what word I have in mind? I bet you can. I saw it in other articles too – it’s quite popular. ‘Devout.’

Devout. Hmm. That is one word for it, of course, but others come to mind. ‘Devout’ is not a neutral … Read the rest

Phil Mole Reviews Dictionary of Fash Nonsense *

Jul 14th, 2005 | Filed by

Says it’s not too bad.… Read the rest

Cass Sunstein on the Problem With Predictability *

Jul 14th, 2005 | Filed by

In hard cases before Supreme Court, total predictability compromises judicial independence. … Read the rest

Marx Wins Despite Boils *

Jul 14th, 2005 | Filed by

Hume trails despite backing of Economist.… Read the rest

Whither Multiculturalism? *

Jul 14th, 2005 | Filed by

It’s meant to bring people together, but critics say it drives them apart. … Read the rest