All entries by this author

The Lopez Affair, Shakespeare, and Shylock *

Sep 16th, 2004 | Filed by

Shakespeare did something that Marlowe never chose to do.… Read the rest

Who Says Murky Ideas Don’t Matter? *

Sep 16th, 2004 | Filed by

Sovereignty is a mongrel: born in “divine right” theology, incoherent, ambiguous, dangerous.… Read the rest

Eye Row Knee

Sep 15th, 2004 9:44 pm | By

On a lighter note. (Lighter than what? What could be lighter than Andrew Ross? Okay not lighter then, just different.) I have a staggering piece of news for everyone. Are you sitting down? Because this is a real shocker, and so new and fresh and unfamiliar – you just can’t think how new. Ready? Okay here it is.

Americans don’t get irony.

You didn’t know that, did you. You’ve never ever heard that before, have you. That’s not a stupid boring worn-out stale dull flat endlessly-recycled tedious cliché, is it! No indeed. No, you only hear that some three times in every BBC arts programme, that’s all.

I do beg your pardon. How unbecoming. And unironic. But there it … Read the rest

The Dark Side of Democracy *

Sep 15th, 2004 | Filed by

Nation-statism and ethnic cleansing intertwine to make spread of democracy problematic.… Read the rest

Missing Quotation Marks Again *

Sep 15th, 2004 | Filed by

Urgent deadline, assistants, accidental deletions, embarrassment all around.… Read the rest

Pro-hunt Protesters Storm House of Commons *

Sep 15th, 2004 | Filed by

Parliament suspended after five protesters stormed Commons chamber.… Read the rest


Sep 15th, 2004 1:51 am | By

Just a bit more. Because I promised, and because there are more that are too good not to share.

…it is perhaps worth drawing an analogy between the demarcation lines in science and the borders between hierarchical taste cultures – high, middlebrow, and popular – that cultural critics and other experts involved in the business of culture have long had the vocational function of supervising. In both cases, we find the same need for experts to police the borders with their criteria of inclusion and exclusion…[F]alsifiability is often put forward as a criterion for evaluating scientific authenticity…But such a yardstick is no more objectively adequate and no less mythical a criterion than appeals to, say, aesthetic complexity have been in

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Sharia Tribunals Divide Muslim Canadians *

Sep 14th, 2004 | Filed by

Homa Arjomand says Sharia in Canada is one of her worst nightmares come true.… Read the rest

Another Call for Reform *

Sep 14th, 2004 | Filed by

Irshad Manji’s book.… Read the rest

Aaronovitch Reviews Furedi *

Sep 14th, 2004 | Filed by

There is some dumbing down, but there’s also broader access to education.… Read the rest

What if it’s Neither Narrative nor Meta-narrative? *

Sep 14th, 2004 | Filed by

Terry Eagleton on life, the universe and everything.… Read the rest

Baby Prostitutes *

Sep 14th, 2004 | Filed by

Are girls being taught to make themselves sexy at ever-younger ages? Stupid question.… Read the rest

Ziauddin Sardar on Changes in Islam *

Sep 14th, 2004 | Filed by

In Morocco, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, sharia is being reformed.… Read the rest

Ross 2

Sep 13th, 2004 7:42 pm | By

A little more. Because it’s hard to resist. Because there are just so many – um – interesting remarks.

To set the scene. Ross once attended what he calls a New Age trade convention, and gives us his thoughts on the subject.

The more official and centered voice of condemnation against the New Age community can be found in what are often charaterized as the witch-hunting activities of CSICOP…CSICOP is an international ‘inquisition’ of mostly academic ghostbusters, set up…to police the boundary between science and pseudoscience contested by a host of New Age alternatives to institutional scientific orthodoxies.

Same again. Official, ‘centered’ (huh?), witch-hunting (!!), inquisition, police, boundary, institutional, orthodoxies. All that in 1.5 sentences. Talk about over-egging the pudding … Read the rest


Sep 13th, 2004 4:55 pm | By

Sandra Harding had her time in the limelight; now it’s Andrew Ross’ turn. Fair’s fair. All children are talented, all children are special, all have something to say, we must listen politely to all of them and not make some feel bad and excluded and marginalized and of low worth by ignoring them. Nor must we throw the little bastards out of school merely because they threatened or assaulted a teacher, unless a gun or a knife was used. Once again, fair’s fair. Exclusion damages the academic performance of people who are excluded (except when it doesn’t), therefore it is important to avoid exclusion except in the most extreme of cases. A child who shoots up the classroom with an … Read the rest

Inclusion for Gunless First Offense Risky *

Sep 13th, 2004 | Filed by

What teachers are expected to put up with in the name of inclusion…… Read the rest

Higher Pay for Teaching While Black? *

Sep 13th, 2004 | Filed by

Should first offence be free unless a gun or knife is involved?… Read the rest

Utopia, Freedom, the State, 4th and final part *

Sep 13th, 2004 | Filed by

Marxism and the central values and intellectual resources of liberalism.… Read the rest

Human Development and Capability Association *

Sep 13th, 2004 | Filed by

Launched September 6.… Read the rest

Is Islam Reforming? *

Sep 13th, 2004 | Filed by

Only within limits set by mullahs. But that’s a start.… Read the rest