Things fall apart

Jun 26th, 2016 11:14 am | By

Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn sacked Hilary Benn in the middle of the night and many Labour MPs have quit the shadow cabinet in response, while the BBC is reporting that Corbyn sabotaged the Remain campaign.

Interesting times.

The latest update from the Guardian:

Writing for the Guardian, Phil Wilson – the chair of the Labour in for Britain group – has called on Jeremy Corbyn to resign, claiming he sabotaged the party’s remain campaign.

[Corbyn] himself issued a note to all MPs on 17 September 2015 telling them that Labour would campaign to remain in the European Union. And yet he decided to go on holiday in the middle of the campaign. He did not visit the Labour heartlands of the north-east and instead raised esoteric issues such as TTIP which had no resonance on the doorstep.

This leads to me to the greatest betrayal and the final straw for many MPs. I have been told and shown evidence by an overwhelming number of unimpeachably neutral Labour remain staff that Corbyn’s office, for which he must take full responsibility, consistently attempted to weaken and sabotage the Labour remain campaign, in contravention of the party’s official position.

Here’s Laura Kuenssberg at the BBC less than an hour ago:

There have been concerns about Jeremy Corbyn’s performance for months and months. But it was his role, or lack of role, in the campaign to keep the UK in the EU, and his sacking of Hilary Benn in the middle of the night, that has given members of the shadow cabinet the final reasons to quit. Several have already gone; as many as half will be gone by the end of the day, I understand.

And documents passed to the BBC suggest Jeremy Corbyn’s office sought to delay and water down the Labour Remain campaign. Sources suggest that they are evidence of “deliberate sabotage”.

One email from the leader’s office suggests that Mr Corbyn’s director of strategy and communications, Seumas Milne, was behind Mr Corbyn’s reluctance to take a prominent role in Labour’s campaign to keep the UK in the EU. One email, discussing one of the leader’s speeches, said it was because of the “hand of Seumas. If he can’t kill it, he will water it down so much to hope nobody notices it”.

Wow. If that’s true…I wonder what they think of themselves now.

A series of messages dating back to December seen by the BBC shows correspondence between the party leader’s office, the Labour Remain campaign and Labour HQ, discussing the European campaign. It shows how a sentence talking about immigration was removed on one occasion and how Mr Milne refused to sign off a letter signed by 200 MPs after it had already been approved.

The documents show concern in Labour HQ and the Labour Remain campaign about Mr Corbyn’s commitment to the campaign – one email says: “What is going on here?” Another email from Labour Remain sources to the leader’s office complains “there is no EU content here – we agreed to have Europe content in it”. Sources say they show the leader’s office was reluctant to give full support to the EU campaign and how difficult it was to get Mr Corbyn to take a prominent role.


People chanting “Make Britain white again!”

Jun 26th, 2016 10:29 am | By

There’s a public Facebook album of screengrabs of xenophobic or racist bullying.

There is much, much more.

The word “vermin” appears

Jun 26th, 2016 10:05 am | By

The Guardian reports on the hideous fallout of the Brexit vote:

People have been reporting incidents of racism believed to be fuelled by the result of the EU referendum, including alleged racist graffiti and cards reading “no more Polish vermin” posted through letterboxes.

Suspected racist graffiti was found on the front entrance of the Polish Social and Cultural Association (POSK) in Hammersmith, west London, early on Sunday morning.

The incident comes as Cambridgeshire police are investigating reports of racist laminated cards being distributed in Huntingdon on Friday in the hours after the leave result was announced.

According to reports from the Cambridge News, a number of cards saying “Leave the EU/No more Polish vermin” in both English and Polish were found outside St Peter’s school by teaching assistants and students, including an 11-year-old Polish child, who reported they made him feel “really sad”.

Cards bearing the same message were posted around a number of properties, police confirmed.

Baroness Warsi, the former chairwoman of the Conservative party, has warned that since the referendum result was announced immigrants are being stopped in the street and told to leave the country.

“I’ve spent most of the weekend talking to organisations, individuals and activists who work in the area of race hate crime, who monitor hate crime, and they have shown some really disturbing early results from people being stopped in the street and saying look, we voted Leave, it’s time for you to leave,” Warsi told Sky News.

“And they are saying this to individuals and families who have been here for three, four, five generations. The atmosphere on the street is not good.”

I’m hearing the same thing from friends in the UK. It’s as if the vote had been Racism and Xenophobia, yes or no? and the yes vote won.

In Gloucester, Max Fras said he was in a Tesco supermarket on Friday night with his young son when a white man became agitated in the queue for the checkout and began yelling: “This is England now, foreigners have 48 hours to fuck right off. Who is foreign here? Anyone foreign?”

Fras said the man began quizzing people in the queue about where they were from. “He pointed at another gentleman in front of him and said: ‘Where are you from, are you Spanish? Are you Italian? Are you Romanian?’ And he said ‘No, I’m English’,” said Fras.

Lucky for him. Max Fras on the other hand is Polish. The Guardian doesn’t say if he and his young son were ordered to disclose their place of origin.

Other reports of racist incidents believed to be fuelled by the Brexit result, were posted on social media, including one from Heaven Crawley, a research professor at Coventry University, about an incident allegedly witnessed by her daughter in Birmingham.

“This evening my daughter left work in Birmingham and saw [a] group of lads corner a Muslim girl shouting ‘Get out, we voted leave’,” she posted on Twitter.

Welsh businesswoman and remain campaigner Shazia Awan was told by Warren Faulkner to pack her bags and go home after she expressed disappointment in the leave result. Awan, who was born in the UK, tweeted a reply that in her view the “campaign was vile and racist” and had “ruined [the] country forever”.

Earlier that day, Faulkner had celebrated the referendum result as a “major victory for the right wing, adding: “Oi Muslims pack your bags”.

Many of the reports of incidents seem to show the mistaken belief that EU citizens living in the UK will be forced to leave the country as a result of the referendum result, with instances reported of a Polish woman being told to get off a bus and “get packing”, of a Polish man being told at an airport that he “shouldn’t still be here, that we had voted to be rid of people like him”, of a Polish coffee shop worker being jeered at and told “you’re going home now” and of Polish children at a primary school crying because they were scared of getting deported from Britain.

They include a tweeted photo:


A guy in a T shirt that reads: YES! WE WON! NOW SEND THEM BACK

Channel 4 journalist Ciaran Jenkins said that while reporting from Barnsley on Friday in the hours after the referendum results were announced, he overheard three different people shout “send them home” in five minutes.

A man wrote on Twitter that he had experienced two “racialised altercations” in the 10 hours after the referendum result, which he believed were connected to it. One alleged incident involved men chanting “Out, out, out” at Muslim women and in another he said a man at King’s Cross station “yells ‘Brexit’ in my south Asian friend’s face”.

And on and on.

I wonder when Kristallnacht will be.

Guest post: The last time this kind of nationalism was seen

Jun 26th, 2016 9:32 am | By

Guest post by Pieter Droogendijk, originally on Facebook.

It’s a particular kind of person that calls for leaving the E.U, and congratulates the U.K. for doing so. Lots of labels have been used to describe them. Racists, bigots, isolationists, xenophobes, whatever. They may be some of those, or even most of those, but not one of them describes everyone.

But there is one label that describes them all:


Every one of them thinks Britain is better on its own. ‘Cause fuck everyone else, right? We don’t need the krauts, or the poles, or those milk-drinking clog-fuckers in the Netherlands! Fuck Brussels, and fuck the E.U. We’re the best, ’cause Great is in the name, son!

Nationalism. And it’s on the rise, world-wide.

We’ve got Wilders. Leave the E.U, close the borders, we’ll do it on our own ’cause we’re the best, and fuck all the brown people.

Donald Trump. Build a wall, keep the aliens out. Make America White Again!

Erdogan, Turkey’s best. Putin, Russia’s best. Beatrix von Storch of the German AfD. Sweden Democrats. Danish People’s Party. The fucking Golden Dawn, in Greece. Fucking hell, those guys.

Guess what, folks? They can’t all be right. But you can all be wrong.

So what does this have to do with the E.U? Well, what do you hear from the brexitters?

“What about all the rules? What about corruption? What about money? What about Greece? What about refugees?”

Guess what. It’s a political body. It’s not perfect. But just because it’s not perfect, doesn’t mean it’s not worth having. And I’ll tell you why.

The last time this kind of nationalism was seen, it ended up destroying Europe in something we now call World War II. When that was over, and the world was in shambles, a bunch of nations decided to try to prevent it from happening a third time in a row.

To foster an atmosphere of cooperation. For trade, free movement, liberty, and economic stability. Rise together, fall together. An ALLIANCE. You know, all that shit the GOOD GUYS always talk about in movies.

That’s what the fucking European Union means to me. I’m not Dutch. I’m a European, living in the Netherlands.

Stealth evangelists

Jun 25th, 2016 5:42 pm | By

Oh honestly.

Neil Shubin writes:

These have been inserted in copies of Your Inner Fish in various bookstores. I seriously doubt the folks who inserted them actually bothered to read the book.

George Gallup forsooth! It so happens he was my uncle. He wasn’t a statistician, he was a psychologist. He hired people to do the statistics. If he said that silly thing then more fool he.


Some kids that are good kids

Jun 25th, 2016 4:57 pm | By

We’re told that (US) football builds character. Maybe it does for some, but for many it builds a taste for violence and a sense of entitlement, to put it politely.

Football didn’t teach a group of Pennsylvania boys not to beat wild animals to death with baseball bats.

Five high school football stars in Pennsylvania have been cited after allegedly beating numerous animals to death and posing with their bodies.

The five teens are facing fines for illegally killing wild animals and then posting a picture with their kills on Instagram, according to WNEP.

The five area football players posing with baseball bats and dead animals: a snake, raccoon, frogs, opossums, and pigeons.

Not cute. Not funny. Not good clean fun.

The teens were cited and face fines. Four of the five cited were members of Southern Columbia’s state championship football team who graduated earlier this month.

Blake Marks, Austin Knepp, Gabe Delbo, and Nick Becker helped led the Southern Columbia Tigers To a state title in the fall.

Becker was WNEP’s Offensive Dream Team Player of the Year. Marks was also on the Dream Team.

Jim Roth, the head football coach at Southern Columbia, said, “Some kids that are good kids … made a bad decision.”

He added that “Some of these kids are not even aware of all the laws as far as small animals.”

The issue isn’t just the laws, the issue is cruelty. The coach doesn’t sound like a very thoughtful guy himself.

A poison chalice

Jun 25th, 2016 4:22 pm | By

This post by Tom Short has 32,504 shares on Facebook at the moment – by the time you look it will be more. Thoughtful friends of mine have shared it. It’s interesting.

If Boris Johnson looked downbeat yesterday, that is because he realises that he has lost.

Perhaps many Brexiters do not realise it yet, but they have actually lost, and it is all down to one man: David Cameron.

With one fell swoop yesterday at 9:15 am, Cameron effectively annulled the referendum result, and simultaneously destroyed the political careers of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and leading Brexiters who cost him so much anguish, not to mention his premiership.


Throughout the campaign, Cameron had repeatedly said that a vote for leave would lead to triggering Article 50 straight away. Whether implicitly or explicitly, the image was clear: he would be giving that notice under Article 50 the morning after a vote to leave. Whether that was scaremongering or not is a bit moot now but, in the midst of the sentimental nautical references of his speech yesterday, he quietly abandoned that position and handed the responsibility over to his successor.

And as the day wore on, the enormity of that step started to sink in: the markets, Sterling, Scotland, the Irish border, the Gibraltar border, the frontier at Calais, the need to continue compliance with all EU regulations for a free market, re-issuing passports, Brits abroad, EU citizens in Britain, the mountain of legistlation to be torn up and rewritten … the list grew and grew.

The referendum result is not binding. It is advisory. Parliament is not bound to commit itself in that same direction.

The Conservative party election that Cameron triggered will now have one question looming over it: will you, if elected as party leader, trigger the notice under Article 50?

Who will want to have the responsibility of all those ramifications and consequences on his/her head and shoulders?

Boris Johnson knew this yesterday, when he emerged subdued from his home and was even more subdued at the press conference. He has been out-maneouvered and check-mated.

If he runs for leadership of the party, and then fails to follow through on triggering Article 50, then he is finished. If he does not run and effectively abandons the field, then he is finished. If he runs, wins and pulls the UK out of the EU, then it will all be over – Scotland will break away, there will be upheaval in Ireland, a recession … broken trade agreements. Then he is also finished. Boris Johnson knows all of this. When he acts like the dumb blond it is just that: an act.

The Brexit leaders now have a result that they cannot use. For them, leadership of the Tory party has become a poison chalice.

When Boris Johnson said there was no need to trigger Article 50 straight away, what he really meant to say was “never”. When Michael Gove went on and on about “informal negotiations” … why? why not the formal ones straight away? … he also meant not triggering the formal departure. They both know what a formal demarche would mean: an irreversible step that neither of them is prepared to take.

All that remains is for someone to have the guts to stand up and say that Brexit is unachievable in reality without an enormous amount of pain and destruction, that cannot be borne. And David Cameron has put the onus of making that statement on the heads of the people who led the Brexit campaign.

But will the EU now let them say that?


They knew it was a lie

Jun 25th, 2016 12:35 pm | By

Nick Cohen says pay attention to the lies.

I am not going to be over-dainty about mendacity. Politicians, including Remain politicians lie, as do the rest of us. But not since Suez has the nation’s fate been decided by politicians who knowingly made a straight, shameless, incontrovertible lie the first plank of their campaign. Vote Leave assured the electorate it would reclaim a supposed £350m Brussels takes from us each week. They knew it was a lie. Between them, they promised to spend £111bn on the NHS, cuts to VAT and council tax, higher pensions, a better transport system and replacements for the EU subsidies to the arts, science, farmers and deprived regions. When boring experts said that, far from being rich, we would face a £40bn hole in our public finances, Vote Leave knew how to fight back. In Johnsonian fashion, it said that the truth tellers were corrupt liars in Brussels’ pocket.

He used the word hell four or five times

Jun 25th, 2016 12:20 pm | By

Oh please.

Godbotherer says Trump has joined the godbotherers. Suuuuuure he has – and totally sincerely, too. It’s just a coincidence that he’s managed without god all these years until this moment when he’s running for president and oops whaddya know suddenly he starts dating Baby Jesus.

Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson said Tuesday that Donald Trump recently accepted Christ.

“I believe he really made a commitment,” said the highly influential evangelical leader. “But he’s a baby Christian. We all need to be praying for him, especially if there’s a possibility of him being the next executive officer.”

“Dr” James Dobson is a highly influential patriarchal theocrat.

Asked what he thought about the meeting, Dobson described it as “historic” and an event the likes of which he had “never” seen in all his years of ministry.

“I feel like it was historic,” said Dobson. “Only God knows where we’re heading as a nation, but this gathering of God’s people sincerely, actually on their knees, a thousand people, praying together—that’s a good thing.”

Dr. Dobson agreed with Pastor Anthony that Trump seemed to conduct himself at the event in a far different manner than the public is used to seeing, and said that what was particularly important was the chance to ask him some pointed questions.

And of course there was no element of calculation at all in his change of demeanor.

“I was in a smaller group this morning at Trump Tower … and got the chance to interact with him,” said Dobson. “And he’s soft, he’s a lot nicer guy than you realize.”

Anthony agreed, saying it was something he was personally taken aback by.

“Well, I was too. And I think he is listening,” said Dobson. “There are a lot of people ministering to him personally. … He did accept a relationship with Christ. I know the person who led him to Christ. And that’s fairly recent.”

No shit, Sherlock. Any thoughts on why that might be?

Dobson underscored that Trump as a “baby Christian” simply doesn’t yet know how to speak about his faith.

“I think that he’s open,” he  continued. “He doesn’t know our language. … We had 40 Christians together with him, he used the word hell four or five times. He doesn’t know our language—he really doesn’t. He refers a lot to ‘religion’ and not much to ‘faith’ and ‘belief’ in Christ.”

Hahahaha of course he doesn’t know your language, because he’s bullshitting you, and trying to bullshit us (but apparently not trying very hard).

Whether nationalism is really the fever and liberalism the normal condition

Jun 25th, 2016 11:29 am | By

Benjamin Wallace-Wells at the New Yorker raises the possibility that has me clutching the blankets in fear.

The question this ultimately raises is whether nationalism is really the fever and liberalism the normal condition, or whether it might be the other way around. In France, Nicolas Sarkozy’s party of the center-right and Marine Le Pen’s party of the nationalist far-right are leading early polling for next year’s Presidential election, with the parties of the left and center-left trailing well behind. In the U.K., the majority of voters now appear to be more nationalist than David Cameron’s Tories were. The Tories have become Boris Johnson’s party, and even further to the right there is the ascendant United Kingdom Independence Party. The worry is that liberalism may be winning the ideas festivals and losing the elections. The left still exists, at least in some form, but liberals seem endangered. Not long ago, we thought the reverse was true.

We think of fascism as the derangement and liberal democracy as the steady state…but as Wallace-Wells says, maybe it’s the opposite.

I talked about that yesterday in my column for The Freethinker.

We know from history that people can take inspiration from demagogues like Trump, and we know what kind of horrors ensue.

I try to derive some consolation from the thought that we’re all getting a Living History lesson – hey girls and boys, this is what it was like in Germany around 1929 or so! Now do you get a sense of how an advanced country like Germany, with a famous philosopher on every corner, managed to let itself be seduced by a screaming mediocrity like Hitler?

Now do you see how in just a few short years they were looking hard in the other direction while the SS pushed most of the Jews in Europe into gas chambers? Now does it seem less baffling to you that Yugoslavia could collapse into a genocidal nightmare practically overnight? Now do you feel with your own fingers how very thin and weak the barrier is between a functioning society and a howling wilderness of murder and torture?

I know I do.


Silly walk

Jun 25th, 2016 11:06 am | By

The New Yorker puts it very aptly:

The artist is Barry Blitt.

Citizen Khan

Jun 25th, 2016 10:03 am | By

Sadiq Khan yesterday:

I want to send a clear message to every European resident living in London – you are very welcome here. As a city, we are grateful for the enormous contribution you make, and that will not change as a result of this referendum.

There are nearly one million European citizens living in London today, and they bring huge benefits to our city – working hard, paying taxes, working in our public services and contributing to our civic and cultural life.

We all have a responsibility to now seek to heal the divisions that have emerged throughout this campaign – and to focus on what unites us, rather than that which divides us.

Sadiq Khan an hour ago:

To every European resident here at ‪#‎Pride2016‬ and across our amazing city – you are welcome here.


A victory for xenophobia

Jun 24th, 2016 12:20 pm | By

Jim Al-Khalili on Twitter:

Sad and shocked this morning. Presumably as an immigrant I should hand my job back to whoever it is I took it from. A victory for xenophobia

Some replies:

Phoenix on the Right ‏@BigButterNutJoe 5 hours ago
@jimalkhalili You should absolutely leave. What kind of Brit has a last name like Al-Khalili? Your people have a home.

TJWP ‏@Hriob_Zagel 5 hours ago
TJWP Retweeted
Well with an attitude like that you should probably leave since you don’t seem to support the county to begin with. …

Randolph Carter ‏@occidissident 5 hours ago
Randolph Carter Retweeted
That’s a start. Then self-deportation. Take your skill set and benefit your own country, your own people #brexit …

Brittany StGermain ‏@brittykittybrat 5 hours ago
@jimalkhalili Maybe if immigrants showed more respect to their “foster” countries instead of trying to bring what they “ran” from…hmmmmmmm

Spectre ✘ ‏@SpectreRedux 5 hours ago
Spectre ✘ Retweeted
Yes. And then get the fuck out. Go home, kebab. …

Welcome to Farage’s Britain.


Jun 24th, 2016 11:58 am | By

The Washington Post shares a depressing fact:

Awakening to a stock market plunge and a precipitous decline in the value of the pound that Britain hasn’t seen in more than 30 years, voters now face a series of economic shocks that analysts say will only worsen before they improve. The consequences of the leave vote will be felt worldwide, even here in the United States, and some British voters say they now regret casting a ballot in favor of Brexit.

“Even though I voted to leave, this morning I woke up and I just — the reality did actually hit me,” one woman told the news channel ITV News. “If I’d had the opportunity to vote again, it would be to stay.”

Hmm. So she voted on the basis of non-reality? Fantasy then?

Bad move.

That confusion over what Brexit might mean for the country’s economy appears to have been reflected across the United Kingdom on Thursday. Google reported sharp upticks in searches not only related to the ballot measure but also about basic questions concerning the implications of the vote. At about 1 a.m. Eastern time, about eight hours after the polls closed, Google reported that searches for “what happens if we leave the EU” had more than tripled.

Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant. The time to do that was eight hours before the polls closed, not after. Before before before.

Spam spam beans and spam

Jun 24th, 2016 11:33 am | By

I’m seeing this all over Facebook:

I actually remember that Britain, the one that had never heard of quiche or hummus or gelato, the one where “baked” beans on toast was considered an acceptable meal.

If you eat the cake, you no longer have it

Jun 24th, 2016 10:58 am | By

Cornwall voted to leave but hey don’t take away its EU subsidy ok?

The Cornish council has issued a plea for “protection” following the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union.

Cornwall, which has a poor economy and as such has received millions of pounds in subsidies from the EU each year for over a decade, voted decisively to Leave.

But this money is now threatened following the severing of ties with the EU.

Well it would be, wouldn’t it.

John Pollard, the leader of Cornwall council said: “Now that we know the UK will be leaving the EU we will be taking urgent steps to ensure that the UK Government protects Cornwall’s position in any negotiations.

“We will be insisting that Cornwall receives investment equal to that provided by the EU programme which has averaged £60m per year over the last ten years.”

I see. And by the same token we all want to pay zero tax while still collecting all possible subsidies and benefits.

But a statement on the council website posted on Friday said prior to the referendum said the county was reassured by the Leave side that withdrawing from the EU would not affect the funding already allocated by Brussels.

Leave campaigners also promised the county would not be worse off in terms of the investment it receives. “We are seeking urgent confirmation from Ministers that this is the case,” the statement added.

So the county assumed the Leave side was telling it the truth?

Bad move.

In 2014, Jonathan Lindsell, author of a report on industries benefit from the EU, told the Western Morning News: “Cornwall is a major beneficiary of EU spending so if Britain were to leave then the Treasury would have to take great care in ensuring its local economy was not crippled as a result.

“Not only do Cornwall’s many farmers and fishermen benefit from the Common Agricultural Policy and Common Fisheries Policy respectively, but the county receives tens of millions of pounds a year in structural and convergence funds to support local economic growth and communities.

“In the 2014-2020 budget, Cornwall has been allocated 592 million euros from the convergence fund to assist with further development. If Britain leaves the EU before 2020 the government should seriously consider keeping this fund up.”

Oh well – at least they gave those filthy foreigners a good poke in the eye.

Britons have voted for a myth of Camelot

Jun 24th, 2016 7:44 am | By

Some reactions:

Onjali Rauf:

Woke up with a gasp…that still hasn’t ended. Am in mourning for a UK that once was and will never again be. The rhetoric of racism has won. Lessons of the past ignored. And the future security of our human rights laws, our ability to tackle our government on injustices, and the EU funds which have helped thousands of charities survive to do our government’s dirty work, is in jeopardy. Oh Britain…what have you done?

Bill Cooke:

It’s a sad day for Britain, and for the world. Britons have voted for a myth of Camelot that never existed. We’ve shat on the future of the young generation, who supported Remain by 3 votes to 4. We’ve voted to have a recession. We’ve voted to be less significant in the world. And we’ve probably broken up the United Kingdom. Great way to ‘take back control’ guys.

Ishtiaq Ahmed:

Britons decide to leave the European Union,

So, finally the British people have expressed their choice. The European Union has been a great experiment in peace building and economic prosperty but now nationalism has struck back. I am afraid we are all going to see such a backlash in the rest of the EU.

Britain created a world empire and rule over several continents but now when power is to be shared with others in the European Union they want to separate.

Reminds me of the Muslim League’s stand that in a democracy the Muslims would be in a minority so we want a separate state – FOR THE 7 CENTURIES THE SAME ASHRAF ELITE only wanted to expand as much as they could in India but when it came to democracy they wanted separatism. The British attitude is the same.

Marina Strinkovsky:

So let’s take stock:

1. Nigel Farage starts the morning by retracting the £350 million claim
2. Daniel Hannan retracts the claim that leaving EU will reduce immigration
3. £100 billion wiped off the pensions, ISAs etc. invested in the FTSE
4. The pound suffers the largest currency depreciation of any currency ever
5. The Prime Minister resigns without mapping out a plan for implementing the results of the referendum

If I were a Leave voter, I would not be celebrating this morning. Sure, things might stabilise in time, but the immediate aftermath of the vote is admission that they’d been lied to & financial meltdown on a scale even pessimists did not predict. We Remainers may be in despair, but the Leavers ought to be fucking livid.

6. The biggest share price losses were Wimpy Taylor & Barclay Homes, at ~40%, which means the markets are expecting a housing crash
7. Apparently the pound’s value dropping so much means that the UK is no longer the 5th largest economy in the world – in a nicely symbolic move, we’ve been overtaken by France

“She said ‘No, no, no!’ ”

Jun 23rd, 2016 6:07 pm | By

And we thought the Brock Turner sentence was shocking…In Germany the victim would have been found guilty.

A 29-year-old German model was, according to her own account, drugged and raped by two men who filmed the ordeal and then posted it online. The woman pressed charges. But a judge gave the men a light fine for the incident while ordering the alleged victim to pay the equivalent of $27,000.

The judge — whose name was not disclosed — offered a nuanced argument for the surprise ruling. During the act, the alleged victim, the judge ruled, had said “No!” to the filming but not to sex. Therefore, the model’s claim of rape, the court decided, was false, fining her accordingly.

The fact that she was drugged is apparently not relevant.

In this country long criticized by women’s rights groups for what they call relatively weak rape laws, polls show that more than 86 percent of the public now favor stricter codes. Current law states that saying “No!” to sex is not enough to constitute rape: The victim must also show evidence of physical resistance.

Who wrote the existing laws, Himmler?

That definition has meant, rights groups say, that a plethora of alleged rapists have gone unpunished. They cite, for instance, an alleged assailant accused of sexually assaulting a pregnant woman in 2012. The courts let him off because the victim – who said she feared for the safety of her unborn child – did not fight back.

Whereas here the police advise women not to fight back, on the grounds that it’s likely to get them beaten up as well as raped.

“We need a tightening of the sex-crime legislation, so that finally sexual self-determination will be protected unconditionally in Germany,” Germany’s minister of family issues, Manuela Schwesig, told Spiegel Online this month in reference to the Lohfink case. “ ‘Stop it!’ is clear enough.”

But critics insist that the move will only open the door to more false accusations.

“Of course a woman needs to be protected by the law even if she looks like a Barbie doll,” Svenja Fläßpöhler wrote this week in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. But, the writer added, there is a danger that “men are accused out of revenge . . . or regret for the consummated act.”

Because women are basically lying bitches, right? so let’s always err on the side of assuming the rape didn’t happen. That way men will be ok and women will just have to lump it.

The case goes back to 2012, when Lohfink first accused two men, identified only as Pardis F. and Sebastian C., of rape. She claims that they drugged her, had sex with her and filmed it all while refusing her pleas to stop

The video was later distributed on social media, although various sites have now taken it down. According to German media outlets that saw the video, Lohfink can be repeatedly heard saying “Stop it!” and “No!” in the footage.

But in January, the court ruled that an analysis of the video and other evidence suggested that Lohfink had protested only the filming and appeared to consent to the sex.

Right, because if a woman repeatedly says “Stop it!” and “No!” while you’re raping her she obviously doesn’t mean the rape itself, she means some peripheral thing.

The court did find the two men guilty of wrongly making and distributing the sex video and fined them 1,350 euros ($1,500) each. But it reserved its gravest punishment for Lohfink, levying her a fine of 24,000 euros for falsely accusing the men.

It sounds like goddam Afghanistan, where women get thrown in prison for saying they were raped, because the men say oh no we didn’t and the woman has admitted to having sex outside of marriage, so wham – lock the slut up while the men go on their way rejoicing.

Lohfink’s attorney, Burkhard Benecken, said his client had pressed only charges for film and distribution because her recollection of the incident was initially hazy. Parts of her memory surfaced, he said, after she saw the video in full. He criticized the court for parsing her “No!” to mean a request only to stop filming the act.

“She didn’t say ‘No, stop filming!’ She said ‘No, no, no!’ ” he said. “It’s a daring theory to say that she referred to the filming. Does this mean a man can just continue without asking her what she means and later say, ‘Oh, I thought she said ‘No!’ because the music was too loud, or the light was blinding her?’ ”

Daring and…how shall I put this…piggy? It’s kind of piggy to say she wasn’t saying no to the sex.

A movement in support of Lohfink hasgone viral under the hashtag #TeamGinaLisa. Her supporters have been particularly outraged that her character and personality have come under assault, with articles and social media posts commenting on her platinum blonde hair and breast implants.

They are painting “an image of someone who isn’t credible. . . . Often she was simply described as ‘the blonde,’ which would never happen, if she had been a man,” said the German feminist blogger Anne Wizorek, who has rallied to Lohfink’s side. “By evoking such images, a judgment is basically being cast on her.”

She called the assaults on Lohfink a mirror on German culture that showed “how deeply rooted the idea still is in our society that women use their sexuality to take revenge and that they cannot be trusted.”

Oh well – take an aspirin.

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Jun 23rd, 2016 1:55 pm | By

Prepare to be horrified.

Deutsche Welle again, this time reporting that the police in Kano State, Nigeria are running around all over the place enforcing Ramadan. State police are running around forcing citizens to go without water and food from sunrise to sunset, because religion.

The religious police in Kano State have been cracking down on Muslims who fail to fast during the holy month of Ramadan. As DW’s Nasir Zango reports, the suspects could be caned in public if found guilty.

Caned in public for drinking water for example.

How do the police even know which people are Muslims and which aren’t? And how is it any of their business in the first place?

The Kano State Police, also known as Hisbah, have arrested scores of people for failure to fast and ensuring compliance with the rules of Ramadan, the third pillar of Islam.

Since Ramadan began on June 6, Kano police have deployed its men to strategic places in the state to ensure compliance with the rules of Ramadan. Those who are found to be violating the rules have been arrested and held for interrogation.

Why? Why? Why? Kano police are state police, government police. Ramadan is a religious thing. Last I heard Nigeria is not a theocracy. What is this? Are they all trying to out-Boko Haram Boko Haram?

Deputy Commandant of Kano’s Hisbahm, Nabahani Usman, said that those arrested would be prosecuted and be sentenced according to the law. “We hold them at Hisbah for at least two days to teach them the importance of fasting,” Usman said. He added that every adult Muslim must observe the holy month.

According to what law? Is there an actual law on the books that says Kano Muslims are required to observe Ramadan?

According to Islamic teachings, fasting helps one feel compassion for those who are less fortunate and underprivileged.

“We deem it fit and necessary to ensure that every Muslim in Kano State observe Ramadan. We have a report of people who are not complying with this important pillar of Islam; hence we mobilize our men to arrest them,” Usman emphasized.

But that’s not the job of the police, properly constituted. It doesn’t matter what some cop or set of cops “deem fit and necessary.” The cops aren’t there to make people nicer, or more dehydrated.

The “men” referred to are Muslim scholar operatives whose work is to enhance Islamic teachings based on the Quran. They also have powers to arrest and detain notorious “non-compliant” followers.

Oh really? Like the mutaween? So Kano is emulating Saudi Arabia then? Why?

Besides the arrests and detentions, the convicts are subject to beatings after they have been handed a sentence by the religious courts. However, punishments given out by the Hisbah police have been strongly criticized by human rights activists. They accuse the police of overstepping mandate.

Activist and law professor at University of Bayero in Kano, Barrister Audu Bulama Bukarti, said the Nigerian constitution does not allow any religion to punish anybody for not fasting.

“Section 36 of the constitution of Nigeria is very clear that nobody should be arrested or punished except for an offence which is defined by a written law of Nigeria,” Bukarti said. “I am not aware of any law that makes fasting compulsory in Nigeria whether on Muslims or on any other person in the country.” However he called on Muslims to abide by Sharia Law unless they have “acceptable excuses.”

He should have skipped that last bit. People need to stop all this religious policing.

DW’s correspondent Nasir Zango in Kano State has seen several people at the headquarters of the Hisbah in the Sharada area who are being held for non-observance of Ramadan. One of them told Zango that he failed to fast due to chronic ulcers.

“I cannot fast while also taking both modern and herbal medicine to cure it,” he said.

It is not the first time the Hisbah religious police have cracked down on people for not observing the rules of Ramadan in the region. In 2012, more than 20 people were arrested by Hisbah for deliberately refusing to fast and they were held in detention for three days.

Completely disgusting.

We are not 12 and we are not stupid

Jun 23rd, 2016 1:36 pm | By

So having read that interview with Rae Story I followed the link to her blog and fell deeply in love with the first thing I saw, 4 reasons she dislikes Everyday Feminism.

Number 1 is the lazy writing, such as having numbers one through four or seven or ten for everything instead of just doing joined-up writing like a grown up.

Second is the ridiculous content, always sniffing for novelty and never about anything that matters.

Third is the pig-ignorance.

4. And worst of all, the comic strips. Often about things such as “5 Things You Got Wrong About Narcissistic Personality Disorder”.  Just stop it. We are not 12 and we are not stupid. Clearly we have understood perfectly the Narcissistic Personality.  In any case, rendering an argument into comic form does not give it an objective stamp of approval. If you are talking bollocks, no amount of nifty little coloured boxes containing character strips with curiously undetailed and gormless faces, will change that.  I loathe the fact that one of the most popular feminist resources out there seems to want to engage in this serious political movement in the manner of Beavis and Butthead.

You can see why I’m smitten.