Posts Tagged ‘ Ensaf Haidar ’


Jan 16th, 2019 4:11 pm | By

This looks hopeful.

Maybe she just means she hopes Raif is released, as always…but then why mention the important meeting? More likely the important meeting was about some form of progress. So…here’s hoping.

The journalists were probably there for a reason.

Also on Facebook.

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Free Raif!

May 23rd, 2015 4:57 pm | By

Ensaf Haidar posted a photo.

That’s Joan Baez!

How perfect is that?!

Ensaf’s caption:

with Joan Baez singing “I shall be released” #FreeRaif!!

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Not too far into the future

May 20th, 2015 11:05 am | By

Raymond Johansen posted a translated transcript of an interview Ensaf Haidar did on NRK Debatt.

Dear Ensaf Haidar, here is your interview again and the following is a translation I hope do you justice. My arabic is limited so please do not feel offended. We tried our best. You are a strong woman and we wish you and your family the best of luck. You are right. Millions of people around the world stand right beside you and your husband Raif Badawi
Ensaf is asked if she knows how her husband is doing in prison at the moment

Ensaf: Raif’s situation is not good at this moment in time – healthwise or psychologically. His situation is not

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Ensaf around the world

May 20th, 2015 10:50 am | By

Ensaf Haidar is in Norway, and keeping us posted.

Norsk PEN also updates us.

A new friend did the same:

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Ensaf Haidar, the wife of Raif Badawi who is imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for creating a website. In January he received the first 50 lashes, and ever since people from all over the world have mobilized to stop the flogging. Ensaf is an inspiring lady who is tirelessly working for Raif’s freedom. ‪#‎FreeRaifBadawi‬

 … Read the rest

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Bonnes nouvelles

Mar 12th, 2015 4:46 pm | By

Seen on Ensaf Haidar’s Facebook wall –

Avocats sans frontière viendra en aide à Ensaf Haidar dans son combat pour libérer son mari. ‪#‎FreeRaif‬

Lawyers Without Borders will help Ensaf Haidar in her fight to free her husband.

Avocats sans frontières Canada

Avocats sans frontières CanadaRead the rest

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