Posts Tagged ‘ President Pig ’

While Ivanka nods like a wind-up doll

Oct 21st, 2019 11:26 am | By

A tiny yet significant item – Trump gives the finger to the woman astronaut who had the audacity to correct (in a tactful way) his assertion that she and her colleague were the first women ever to work outside the space station.

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He never did

Jun 4th, 2019 7:56 am | By

Dana Milbank says he believes all Trump’s lies, because the alternative is…what it is.

I believe all this and more because the alternative is unthinkable: that our great nation inflicted on the world a president who is, well, a stone cold loser, boorish and ignorant.

Therefore I plan to do as Trump does: live today as if yesterday never happened. But it’s not enough to imagine away this week’s name-calling. To preserve national dignity, Americans must accept that none of the following ever happened:

Trump did not shove the prime minister of Montenegro and he didn’t declare that he “fell in love” with the dictator of North Korea. He didn’t hang up on the Australian prime minister, nor attack

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If that’s the hand of friendship…

Jun 3rd, 2019 11:38 am | By

No, he’s not offering America’s hand of friendship. Don’t be silly. For one thing the two countries were already friends, before he was elected, before he ran, before he was even born. The relationship has deteriorated since and because he became president. And for another he comes offering nothing, he’s there for his own glory and nothing else.

For another thing … Read the rest

11 is not 91

May 9th, 2019 11:13 am | By

When he wasn’t giggling joyously at the plan to shoot immigrants at the border, Trump was lying about Puerto Rico. Of course he was.

President Donald Trump spent the opening minutes of a campaign rally in Panama City Beach, Florida on Wednesday attacking hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico for not sufficiently appreciating his administration’s relief efforts—which critics have decried as grossly inadequate—and attempting to use a bar graph to bolster his repeatedly debunked claim that the island has received a record amount of storm aid.

“I brought a chart. Would you like to see a chart?” Trump said, pulling a piece of paper from his jacket pocket to cheers from the audience.

“That’s Puerto Rico and they don’t like me,”

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Trip’s off, neener neener

Jan 17th, 2019 2:13 pm | By

He thinks this is all a game.

President Donald Trump said Thursday he was denying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a military plane for a trip to Afghanistan that was set to begin in the afternoon, a tit-for-tat retaliation that deepened the divide between the leaders and brought the government no closer to reopening.

Pelosi had been scheduled to leave within the hour that Trump’s letter was made public, making for the awkward site of a large blue Air Force bus idling outside the Capitol as the implications of the President’s missive came into focus.

This is what it is to have a stupid malevolent narcissistic child in the executive role in government.

The administration “worked with the Air

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$1000 a ticket

Dec 31st, 2018 5:29 pm | By

While federal workers go unpaid and soybean farmers wonder who will buy their crop now, we are paying for the tents at Trump’s party at Mar-a-Lago.

While the president has vowed to remain in Washington as the government shutdown continues, his swanky party at the Florida resort will go on regardless. And, as Quartz reported, it will be funded in large part by American taxpayers. The news outlet found expenses for the party on government spending records, showing that a little more than $54,000 went to a tent rental company from Delray Beach, Florida, which confirmed that it was for Trump’s New Year’s Eve party. The purchase was officially made by the U.S. Secret Service, which is in charge

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Nov 18th, 2018 11:30 am | By

In his Fox News performance this morning Trump gave himself an A plus as president and asked if he could go higher.

An hour ago he called Representative Adam Schiff “Adam Schitt” in a tweet. Yes, the president of the United States really did that.

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What he always does to women

Oct 15th, 2018 4:38 pm | By

Even more disgusting.

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A very scary time for young men

Oct 3rd, 2018 9:41 am | By

Jennifer Rubin points out how rich it is for Trump to start manscreaming about the presumption of innocence.

President Trump on Tuesday cranked up the volume on his white male base’s primal scream to ear-shattering decibels. He worries that this is a “very scary time for young men” in America, who are at risk of being accused of things they didn’t do. He insists, “My whole life I’ve heard you’re innocent until proven guilty, but now you’re guilty until proven innocent. That is a very, very difficult standard.” The president — with more than a dozen accusers claiming he engaged in unwanted sexual conduct — knows a thing or two about victimhood, he’d have you believe.

As he demonstrated in … Read the rest

It should disgust us all the same

Oct 3rd, 2018 8:18 am | By

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The Bully-in-chief

Oct 3rd, 2018 8:11 am | By

CNN on Trump’s sneers at Ford last night:

President Donald Trump for the first time directly mocked Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by casting doubt on her testimony during a campaign rally.

Before the crowd Tuesday night in Southaven, Mississippi, Trump imitated Ford during her testimony, mocking her for not knowing the answers to questions such as how she had gotten to the high school party where she says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her.

“I had one beer. Well, do you think it was — nope, it was one beer,” Trump said, mimicking Ford’s testimony last week to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“How did you get home? I don’t remember. How’d you

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Another way wealth and privilege work

Oct 1st, 2018 10:42 am | By

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Look out, me first

Jul 13th, 2018 2:48 pm | By

Piggy goes visiting.

Never even mind that she’s a monarch. She’s his host, she’s his senior, she’s a great deal smaller than he is.

Piggy should stay at home until he can learn to behave.… Read the rest

But everyone tried to be rational and calm

Jun 15th, 2018 5:27 pm | By

Further reporting on how vulgar, racist, crude, disgusting, and obnoxious Trump was at the G7 last week.

Trump told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe he’d be “out of office” if he had to deal with “25 million Mexicans,” and told French President Emmanuel Macron that “all the terrorists are in Paris,” The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

Claiming that migration is a huge issue in Europe, he reportedly told Abe: “Shinzo, you don’t have this problem, but I can send you 25 million Mexicans and you’ll be out of office very soon,” a senior European Union official in the meeting in Quebec, told the Journal.

But Trump, who has followed up on his campaign promise to restrict

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Boom! Come over here.

May 5th, 2018 4:31 pm | By

Oh lord.

The BBC explains:

US President Donald Trump has outraged French opinion by suggesting the 2015 attacks on Paris could have been stopped by giving people guns.

He mimicked gunmen summoning and shooting victims one by one, saying “Boom! Come over here!” and using his hand to imitate a gun being fired.

Oh christing fuck.

It’s not even the first time – he said it then.

In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, Donald Trump and other American conservatives repeated a familiar and predictable response to mass shootings in other countries: France has a gun problem. If Parisians could legally carry weapons, they could have fought back against the assailants.

That argument doesn’t have much support in

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We hope he has a wonderful career

Feb 9th, 2018 12:10 pm | By

Trump is feeling dismayed and ashamed that his administration hired a guy who beats up women.

Just kidding. He’s feeling the opposite of that. Out loud.

President Trump on Friday afternoon lavished praise on one of his former top aides, Rob Porter, who resigned earlier this week amid accusations that he physically, verbally and emotionally abused his two ex-wives.

“We wish him well, he worked very hard,” Trump said to a small group of reporters at the White House, providing his first public comments on the topic. “We found out about it recently, and I was surprised by it, but we certainly wish him well, and it’s a tough time for him. He did a very good job when

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Beautiful women that become a horror

Jan 30th, 2018 10:20 am | By

When you have an ego that blots out the sun, everything is for you and nothing is for anyone else. Other people owe you whatever you demand of them, and you owe no one anything. You are Just That Special.

Seven months before an alleged tryst with porn star Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump told radio host Howard Stern that he would give his pregnant wife, Melania, a couple of days — or maybe a week — to regain her model figure after giving birth.

“You know, Howard, she’s got the kind of a body and makeup where, about one day after the baby, it’s going to be the same as it was before,” Trump said during an appearance on

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He would apologize, if only he could find the time

Jan 26th, 2018 10:47 am | By

Question of the hour: can Trump apologize? Answer: no. If he tried his head would snap off his neck and roll away.

The ineffable Piers Morgan asked him to in a cozy little chat they had.

In an interview with the “Good Morning Britain” television program, Trump was pressed by Piers Morgan, the presenter, about his November retweet of three videos by a far-right fringe party called Britain First. The retweets caused outrage in Britain and brought a rebuke from Prime Minister Theresa May, who described the president’s posts as “wrong.”

Trump said repeatedly Friday that he knew “nothing” about the group’s politics. He said the tweets showed his concern over the threat of radical Islamic terrorism.

His exact … Read the rest

Which country is the real shithole?

Jan 13th, 2018 10:02 am | By

Robin Wright at the New Yorker on Trump’s “tough” words about African countries:

President Trump’s credibility as a world leader has been, to borrow his vulgarity, shot to shit. With one word—just the latest in a string of slurs about other nations and peoples—he has demolished his ability to be taken seriously on the global stage. “There is no other word one can use but ‘racist,’ ” the spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights, Rupert Colville, said at a briefing in Geneva. “You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘shitholes,’ whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome.”

That’s what the US stands for at this moment – hateful racist contempt said aloud … Read the rest

No apology forthcoming

Jan 13th, 2018 9:24 am | By

The African Union is displeased with Donald “shithole” Trump.

The organisation representing African countries has demanded that US President Donald Trump apologise after he reportedly called nations on the continent “shitholes”.

The African Union mission in Washington DC expressed its “shock, dismay and outrage” and said the Trump administration misunderstood Africans.

But, the Beeb continues, he denies it. Of course he does, the Beeb does not reply to itself, but he lies almost as often as he speaks, and he doesn’t hesitate to deny things we’ve all seen and heard. His denial is, epistemically speaking, pretty much worthless.

On Friday, Mr Trump on Friday tweeted that his language he used at the private meeting with lawmakers to discuss immigration legislation

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