Let the predatory financial practices flourish and thrive

Oct 25th, 2017 11:37 am | By

That vote against a new consumer protection:

Senate Republicans voted on Tuesday to strike down a sweeping new rule that would have allowed millions of Americans to band together in class-action lawsuits against financial institutions.

The overturning of the rule, with Vice President Mike Pence breaking a 50-to-50 tie, will further loosen regulation of Wall Street as the Trump administration and Republicans move to roll back Obama-era policies enacted in the wake of the 2008 economic crisis. By defeating the rule, Republicans are dismantling a major effort of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the watchdog created by Congress in the aftermath of the mortgage mess.

The rule, five years in the making, would have dealt a serious blow to

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Declaration of conscience

Oct 25th, 2017 11:31 am | By

In case you want to read Margaret Chase Smith’s speech in its entirety: it’s here.

I’ll share an excerpt.

The United States Senate has long enjoyed worldwide respect as the greatest deliberative body in the world.  But recently that deliberative character has too often been debased to the level of a forum of hate and character assassination sheltered by the shield of congressional immunity.

It is ironical that we Senators can in debate in the Senate directly or indirectly, by any form of words, impute to any American who is not a Senator any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming an American — and without that non-Senator American having any legal redress against us — yet if we say

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Smith decided she had to speak out

Oct 25th, 2017 11:16 am | By

The Post offers us a history lesson today. Jeff Flake’s speech yesterday reminded Kevin Kruse, a professor of history at Princeton, of Senator Margaret Chase Smith’s “Declaration of Conscience” address to the Senate on June 1, 1950.

Like Flake, Smith (R-Maine) spoke to denounce a demagogue in her own party and to announce her refusal to stand quietly by as he did damage to the nation’s institutions. Smith’s target — unnamed in her speech, much as Trump was unnamed in Flake’s — was none other than the junior Republican senator from Wisconsin: Joseph R. McCarthy.

A few months earlier, in February, McCarthy had set the political world on fire with his stunning accusation that there were 205 “known communists” working

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There are hundreds more

Oct 25th, 2017 10:04 am | By

It’s odd the way choice and liberty and autonomy and making one’s own decisions are usually core values for Republicans and conservatives. Of course those values are often in tension with other core Republican / conservative values that come from the goddy wing, like obedience and deference and respect for tradition / hierarchy / the sacred…but they are core values nevertheless.

Or maybe they’re really core values only for men, while the goddy ones are more suited to women. Real Men™ make their own decisions while Real Women™ obey Real Men™ and clerics and Mr God.

But even so, it’s a little odd for a political orientation that is so strongly libertarian, often at the expense of concern for the … Read the rest

The flagrant disregard for truth and decency

Oct 24th, 2017 5:55 pm | By

Trump’s going to be blistering up the Twitter now, after Jeff Flake’s goodbye speech.

Senator Jeff Flake, the Arizona Republican who has tangled with President Trump for months, announced on Tuesday that he would not seek re-election in 2018, declaring on the Senate floor that he “will no longer be complicit or silent” in the face of the president’s “reckless, outrageous and undignified” behavior.

Mr. Flake made his announcement in an extraordinary 17-minute speech in which he challenged not only the president but also his party’s leadership. He deplored the “casual undermining of our democratic ideals” and “the personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms and institutions, the flagrant disregard for truth and decency” that he said had become

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Oct 24th, 2017 5:27 pm | By

Brilliant satire.

House Republican leaders on Capitol Hill said they were launching two new investigations into Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, keeping alive a pair of storylines that have fueled anger with the party base.

One is a project aimed at looking into the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. Less than an hour later, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said he would look into Clinton’s role in a 2010 uranium deal that became a favorite attack line by then-candidate Donald Trump.

Hahahaha that’s hilarious – saying they’re still investigating her even though she doesn’t have any kind of government job any more and they … Read the rest

Promptly and without delay

Oct 24th, 2017 5:00 pm | By

A court has ordered the Trump administration to let that teenage Jane Doe in Texas have her abortion even though the Feds have her in custody because she crossed the border from Mexico without papers.

Lawyers and advocates for the girl accused federal immigration and health officials of preventing her from having an abortion and of taking extraordinary steps to persuade her and other undocumented pregnant minors to have their babies rather than abort them.

On Tuesday, a federal appeals court in Washington sided with the girl, sending the case back to a lower court, which immediately ordered the Trump administration to allow the girl to obtain an abortion “promptly and without delay.” The ruling may be only one of

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Unable to rise to the occasion

Oct 24th, 2017 11:40 am | By

If Corker thinks all this, is he talking impeachment? If not, why not?

If they all think this, or if most of them think this, are they talking impeachment? If not, why not?

Sen. Bob Corker said a lot of things about President Trumpon Tuesday morning. The Tennessee Republican warned that Trump’s itchy Twitter finger could set off another world war. He suggested Trump is a liar. He said Trump’s legacy will be “debasing” America. He said Trump is not a role model for children. He declined to say whether Trump should be trusted with the nuclear codes. He said Trump’s conduct is “very sad for our nation.” He said Trump has “proven himself unable to rise to the

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The chief doesn’t just get up and run his mouth

Oct 24th, 2017 11:22 am | By

John McWhorter is hilarious.

Brian Williams: He’s quick to remind us that he went to the best schools.

John McWhorter: Umhm and he learned nothing in them.

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Who is the real lightweight?

Oct 24th, 2017 9:54 am | By

I guess Trump was feeling bored this morning? I don’t know why else he would decide to pick another fight with a Republican senator in full public view.

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A substantial process

Oct 24th, 2017 9:07 am | By

The check was in the mail! It was in the mail, I tell you! Ok it was in the mail after the story broke in the Post, but all the same it was in the mail.

The family of a slain US soldier has received their $25,000 personal check from President Donald Trump months after receiving a condolence call from Trump and being offered the money, according to an ABC11 reporteron Monday.

letter signed by Trump was also sent with condolences to Chris Baldridge, the father of Sgt. Dillon Baldridge, who was one of three US soldiers killed in Afghanistan when an Afghan police officer fired on them. The Taliban have since claimed responsibility.


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Oct 24th, 2017 8:06 am | By

Cooper, photographed by James Garnett.

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It has to stop

Oct 23rd, 2017 4:29 pm | By

Megyn Kelly sent up a rocket on the subject of sexual harassment at Fox this morning. The Post did a transcript.

On Saturday, the Times revealed yet another settlement, paid to dispose of a sexual harassment case against O’Reilly. Not a huge shock there, we already knew of five, thanks to a Times report in April. But this latest one was for $32 million. Reportedly paid directly by O’Reilly to Fox News legal analyst Lis Wiehl, right before Fox News renewed his contract.

Thirty-two million dollars. That is not a nuisance value settlement, that is a jaw-dropping figure. O.J. Simpson was ordered to pay the Goldman and Brown families $33.5 million for the murders of Ron and Nicole.

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Trump almost immediately replied

Oct 23rd, 2017 11:33 am | By

You know, if Trump actually intended his phone call to Myeshia Johnson to be consoling, as opposed to intending it as the performance of an irksome duty, then he would not now be brawling with her. He just wouldn’t. The intention to console or attempt to console or send a heartfelt message of intending to console would make subsequent brawling simply out of the question. Her grief would blot out his ego concerns, and that would be that.

So from his behavior now we can conclude that he never meant any genuine sympathy or kindness by the call, and that he was simply ticking off another presidential task that he doesn’t relish.

Chris Cillizza makes a similar point.

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Bespoke platitudes for the middlebrow

Oct 23rd, 2017 10:56 am | By

I’m reading Jon Ronson’s Shaming book so I’m reminded of Jonah Lehrer. Steven Poole wrote about his return last year.

The most vilified writer of modern times is back, and people are lining up to give him another kicking. Jonah Lehrer’s 2012 book Imagine: How Creativity Works was pulled from shelves after it was demonstrated to contain fabricated quotes purportedly from Bob Dylan and WH Auden. He subsequently admitted to plagiarising the work of others in his blogposts, while critics noted apparent plagiarism and disregard for facts throughout his published work. The pop-neuroscience whiz-kid had, it appeared, simply stolen or made a lot of it up.

Well, we are living in an era of post-truth politics, so why not

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Empty barrel yourself

Oct 23rd, 2017 10:27 am | By

It’s bizarre that Kelly refuses to apologize.

Newsweek reports:

The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is demanding an apology for Florida Representative Frederica Wilson after “reprehensible” and “blatant lies” were spewed about her from the White House podium.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly falsely told reporters on October 19 that Wilson took credit for securing funding for an FBI facility, calling her an “empty barrel”—and did not retract his comments after a video from the building dedication revealed that Wilson did not do what Kelly said she did.

Kelly seems to have a very high opinion of his own honor, so wouldn’t you think he would see it as dishonorable to tell several lies about someone, have the … Read the rest

But if Harvey, why not Donald?

Oct 23rd, 2017 9:43 am | By

It ruined Harvey Weinstein (for the moment at least) but it hasn’t ruined Trump. Why is that?

As the aftershocks from Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual misconduct spread to other powerful men in Hollywood and media, a group of women for whom the allegations are “gross but familiar” are wondering if the fallout will reach an even more powerful man – the one in the White House.

During the course of his presidential campaign, more than 10 women came forward with accusations that Donald Trump had touched or kissed them without consent – something he bragged about on the infamous 2005 Access Hollywood tape when he said stars like him could “grab them by the pussy”.

A number of other

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Making women unmentionable

Oct 22nd, 2017 12:12 pm | By

Also in the Times – Andrew Gilligan:

The government has said the term “pregnant woman” should not be used in a UN treaty because it “excludes” transgender people.

Feminists reacted with outrage to what they said was the latest example of “making women unmentionable” in the name of transgender equality.

The statement comes in Britain’s official submission on proposed amendments to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the UK has been a signatory since 1976. The UN treaty says a “pregnant woman” must be protected, including not being subject to the death penalty.

Yet in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office submission, Britain opposes the term “pregnant woman” because it may “exclude transgender people who have

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You can “know” and yet not know

Oct 22nd, 2017 11:26 am | By

Janice Turner in the Times considers knowing and not knowing. Albert Speer claimed not to know about the fate of all those evacuated Jews, but eventually he admitted “sensing” it.

[Gitta] Sereny replies: “You say you sensed something. But you cannot ‘sense’ in a void; ‘sensing’ is an inner realisation of knowledge. Basically if you ‘sensed’ then you knew.” Speer shakes his head and thanks God that Gitta was not prosecuting him at Nuremberg.

The same applies to that much-abused word “intuition.” Intuition is based on what we know, but in such a way that the specific sources aren’t clear to us. “Educated guess” is a much better way of saying it. Sereny is so right that you can’t “sense” … Read the rest

Respect for the office

Oct 22nd, 2017 10:21 am | By

Three times now.

The president of the United States.… Read the rest