A man who is erratic, vindictive, volatile, obsessive, a chronic liar

Karen Tumulty at the Post has also noticed Trump’s eccentric methods.

Donald Trump’s presidency has veered onto a road with no centerlines or guardrails.

The president’s accusation Saturday that his predecessor, Barack Obama, had tapped his phone “during the very sacred election process” escalated on Sunday into the White House’s call for a congressional investigation of that evidence-free claim.

The audacious tactic was a familiar one for Trump, who has little regard for norms and conventions. When he wants to change a subject, he often does it by touching a match to the dry tinder of a sketchy conspiracy theory.

This is what I’m saying. His two-step process is “audacious” or just plain bonkers.

  1.  make shit up
  2. act on the shit you just made up.

People who can throw nukes shouldn’t carry on that way.

But the voice of a U.S. commander in chief carries far greater weight than that of just about anyone else on the planet. Trump’s detractors say the way he uses that platform has worrisome implications that go far beyond the sensation he creates on social media and his ability to dominate the news.

Ya think?

“We have as president a man who is erratic, vindictive, volatile, obsessive, a chronic liar, and prone to believe in conspiracy theories,” said conservative commentator Peter Wehner, who was the top policy strategist in George W. Bush’s White House. “And you can count on the fact that there will be more to come, since when people like Donald Trump gain power they become less, not more, restrained.”

Nor does Trump appear to have a governing apparatus around him that can temper and channel his impulses.

In short he’s a clear and present danger.

“When the president goes off and does what he did within the last few days, of just going ahead and tweeting without checking on things, there’s something wrong. There’s something wrong in terms of the discipline within the White House and how you operate,” Leon Panetta, a White House chief of staff for Bill Clinton and CIA director during the Obama administration, said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

What I’m saying. You don’t just make shit up, or see some unreliable clown make shit up, and treat that as reliable.

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