Not angels

Oct 16th, 2019 5:31 pm | By

Dana Milbank at the Post says Trump had a bad day. Really bad.

The House on Wednesday condemned his sudden Syria pullout in a lopsided 354-to-60 vote. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) repeatedly branded Trump’s actions “a mistake.” The Italian president visited the White House with rebukes from Europe on Syria, NATO and trade. U.S. officials, defying Trump, continued their damaging testimony to the congressional impeachment inquiry. Authorities arrested a fourth associate of Rudy Giuliani.

So he sprayed rage in all directions.

He attacked the media and the Democrats, of course, and James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, John Brennan and “the two great lovers,” Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. But he also attacked NATO members and the

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and I will

Oct 16th, 2019 4:50 pm | By

Also today: a Fox reporter tweeted Trump’s letter to Erdoğan, and the White House confirmed it’s the real thing. It’s…shockingly stupid. I’ve always assumed they have grownups translating the trumpese into semi-appropriate language, but this one has been only minimally adulted up. Short stupid exclamatory sentences that don’t lead into following sentences – that’s a genuine illiterate right there.

Let’s work out a good deal!

Let’s put on a show! Let’s go to the mall! Let’s take your dad’s car!

I don’t want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy – and I will.

I guess “and I will” is trumpese for “but I will if I have to” or “but I can.” As it is it’s not … Read the rest

Totally normal

Oct 16th, 2019 4:34 pm | By

Trump acted like an angry toddler in a meeting with Democrats today, so some of the Dems got up and left.

“What we witnessed on the part of the president was a meltdown. Sad to say,” Pelosi told reporters outside the White House with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

The President started the meeting with a lengthy bombastic monologue, according to a senior Democratic aide. He bragged about the “nasty” letter he sent to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the Turkish leader’s decision to invade northern Syria, the aide said.

Then they talked about Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria and he started flipping out.

The Democratic leaders said that

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Police bulletin on pronouns

Oct 16th, 2019 3:39 pm | By

But wait, there’s more! James Kirkup introduces us to Deputy Chief Constable Julie Cooke of Cheshire Police.

DCC Cooke has rather a big job in Cheshire, where there were more than 30,000 violent crimes in the year to August 2019 and the monthly rate of violent crime is up by more than 50 per cent in the last year. 

Fortunately, however,  DCC Cooke has still managed to find time to make a video marking International Pronouns Day.

Marking what??!

No, I know what; I had heard of it; it’s just that it’s so idiotic, and so idiotic-squared that anyone is paying attention to it, let alone making police videos about it.

If you’re not familiar with that occasion, the

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Behaviour like this is not acceptable

Oct 16th, 2019 11:51 am | By

The Telegraph has more on the “women=adult human females” crime wave in Oxford:

Some of the stickers, which have been dotted around the city centre, state: “Woman: noun. Adult human female” and “Women don’t have penises”.

Thames Valley Police has announced that those responsible could be charged with a public order offence and has appealed for witnesses.

It said: “Officers are investigating a large number of offensive stickers that have been placed across Oxford city centre containing transphobic comments.”

Who says they’re “transphobic”? How does Thames Valley Police know they’re “transphobic”? How can it be “transphobic” to state a humdrum fact or definition? Why does Thames Valley Police even call them “offensive”? What if women find it “offensive” to … Read the rest

Women’s Book History is not for women

Oct 16th, 2019 9:48 am | By

More pathetic Qusilings who don’t even know they’re Quislings.

Women’s Book History:

Good morning! Just a reminder that our page celebrates things related to book history for all of the following:

– cis women
– trans women
– cis men
– trans men
– nonbinary folks

and everyone else in between! We usually post about women, but that’s because that’s our jam. We do, and always have, included trans women in our category of “women’s book history” and this stance is not up for debate. If this bothers you, we encourage you to keep scrolling. Anyone who posts harassing messages about trans women will have those comments deleted and then they will be banned from the page.

In other … Read the rest

Play time

Oct 16th, 2019 9:25 am | By

Trump explains it all:

President Trump is defending his decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria, saying, “It’s not our problem,” and that “they’ve got a lot of sand over there. There’s a lot of sand they can play with.”

He said the Kurds, longtime U.S. allies, are “much safer right now,” and added, “They’re not angels.”

Ah. Okay then. They’re not angels, and they have a lot of sand they can play with. Why didn’t he tell us that sooner?… Read the rest

Look at his…fox

Oct 16th, 2019 9:09 am | By

Women are privileged and oppressive and violent and in need of dire punishment, but pretend women are AWESOME. Like Rachel McKinnon for instance:

Silver…by…one… fucking… HUNDREDTH.

He SO almost won the gold…against one of those horrible oppressive women.

The fox poking out of his crotch is a nice touch.

More photo:

Sure, he towers over them, but never you mind. The only good woman is a pretend woman.

Modestly, he thanks all the little people.

A big giant thank you to everyone who got me to where I am. I set a personal best in the 500m TT last night of 36.911, and missed out on gold by only 0.010s. it’s rough to miss gold by so

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Speak Up For Women told to stfu

Oct 16th, 2019 8:49 am | By

For people who are as all-powerful and privileged as women are, we sure do have a hard time being allowed to speak.

Despite professing commitment to free speech principles, today Massey University announced they would be revoking their agreement with Speak Up For Women to host their event ‘Feminism 2020’ at their Wellington Campus.

So in other words they’re going with Don’t Speak Up For Women.

Citing “external advice on its health, safety and wellbeing obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, and its duty of care to the University community,” Massey have once more proven that they are willing to cave to activist intimidation tactics.

“The staff and students of Massey were never at any

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Women soar free at last

Oct 16th, 2019 8:31 am | By

First, this is the Daily Mail, so caution is advised – but, that said, if the facts are as stated…there’s an issue. The claim is that judges have been ordered to give harsh sentences to people convicted of “transgender and homophobic hate crimes” – that is, hate crimes against LGB and trans people. New sentencing guidelines say six months in prison should be the minimum.

But what are they defining as hate crimes? That’s the crucial question, and from what we’ve seen lately it includes dissenting from various wild truth-claims about Magic Gender Changing.

The instructions, which will come into effect on January 1, follow a series of cases in which police have been accused of launching heavy-handed investigations

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Escalating concern

Oct 15th, 2019 5:07 pm | By

White House people are upset because…they can’t keep doing whatever they want without any oversight? I guess?

Inside the West Wing, sources say, there is escalating concern about administration witnesses who are giving depositions on Capitol Hill.

Pence’s lawyer Matthew Morgan says but history and precedent.

“Instead of being accountable to the American people and casting a vote to authorize what all agree is a substantial constitutional step, you have instead attempted to avoid this fundamental requirement by invoking the Speaker’s announcement of an ‘official impeachment inquiry’ at a press conference?” Morgan wrote in a letter to House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel, and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff.

Morgan added, “Never before in

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Oct 15th, 2019 4:34 pm | By

Let’s all congratulate Dawn, Naomi and Kirsten:

Congratulations Dawn, Naomi, and Kirsten for coming First, Second, and Third – your efforts are to be commended and I’m looking forward to watching you in future races.

And there he is in all his glory:

Sport is a human right! Cheating at sport is a human right!… Read the rest

Cheating for medals

Oct 15th, 2019 4:21 pm | By
Cheating for medals

You may recall that “Rachel” McKinnon is in Manchester for cycling championships.

Facebook a few minutes ago:

Silver medal. Thus Naomi Lovesay lost her silver and Kirsten Herup Sovang lost her bronze.… Read the rest

Betrayal is a leitmotif for this president’s entire life

Oct 15th, 2019 11:26 am | By

Trump betrayed the Kurds; Trump betrays everyone. Peter Wehner writes:

For once, Republicans have forcefully spoken out against Mr. Trump. Graham said our Kurdish allies had been “shamelessly abandoned by the Trump administration.” Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the third-ranking Republican in the House, said Trump’s decision is having “sickening and predictable” consequences. Representative Adam Kinzinger, an Air Force veteran, said on Face the Nation that “leaving an ally behind … is disheartening, depressing.” He added, “The Kurds found out on Twitter, for goodness’ sake. We have left them to the wolves. And the message this is sending to our allies around the world, I think, is really going to be bad.” Senator Mitt Romney, the Republican lawmaker

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Word of the day: brazen

Oct 15th, 2019 10:32 am | By

The FBI is annoyed.

Three years ago, the FBI launched an unprecedented investigation focused on one question: Did President Donald Trump’s campaign help a foreign power interfere in the 2016 election?

Now, just months after that investigation was formally closed, FBI officials are stunned the president is openly calling for another country to intervene in another presidential election.

Well when you put it that way…

It does seem a tad brazen, doesn’t it. “NO COLLUSION!! Now, get me Ukraine on the phone.”

One special agent, who spoke with Insider on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the press, said officials were “rattled” not just by the nature of Trump’s actions but also by

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Ugly provocation

Oct 15th, 2019 9:58 am | By

Jolyon Maugham again. Sigh.

James Kirkup tweeted his Spectator piece yesterday:

A ‘transphobic’ crime wave has hit Oxford: stickers so offensive the police refuse to describe them. (The stickers say “Women don’t have penises” and “Woman = adult human female”)

Maugham replied:

Surely you can see what an ugly and destructive provocation that is?

Ah yes; women saying women are women is so ugly and destructive. How dare we.

Jane Clare Jones:

Surely you can see that female people have the right to their own ontological, legal and political category and have a right to defend that category from colonization. Oh no of course you can’t. You just expect us to be good compliant little girls and hand

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Whatever drug deal Rudy and Mulvaney are cooking up

Oct 15th, 2019 9:41 am | By

It was too much even for John Bolton, which is saying something. (When John Bolton is the voice of sanity in the room, you know you’re in deep shit.)

The former US national security adviser, John Bolton, was reportedly so alarmed at a back-channel effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate Donald Trump’s political rivals that he told a senior aide to report it to White House lawyers.

The revelation of Bolton’s involvement in the effort to block a shadow foreign policy aimed at Trump’s political benefit emerged from congressional testimony given by his former aide, Fiona Hill, the former top Russia expert in the White House.

She talked to them yesterday for ten hours.

According to the New York

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Pompeo promoting theocracy

Oct 14th, 2019 5:54 pm | By
Pompeo promoting theocracy

Dominionism at the State Department:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech on Friday to the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) at its 2019 world conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Outlining “what it means to be a Christian leader,” while relaying family anecdotes and stories from his West Point education, Pompeo described how he applies his religious faith to government administration.

Titled “Being a Christian Leader” and promoted in his official government capacity on the homepage for the State Department, religious and civil liberties organizations have decried it as a potential violation of the U.S. Constitution’s intended separation of church and state.

That second paragraph is a syntactical trainwreck. The speech was titled “Being a Christian Leader” … Read the rest

powerFul adDitional sanCtions

Oct 14th, 2019 5:21 pm | By

It’s been a day of Dueling Statements. Exciting stuff! Mitch McConnell issued one, so of course Donald Trump had to issue one right back.


New McConnell statement on Trump’s Syria decision: “Abandoning this fight now and withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria would re-create the very conditions that we have worked hard to destroy and invite the resurgence of ISIS.”


Statement from President Donald J. Trump Regarding Turkey’s Actions in Northeast Syria

Genius. Tell Erdoğan to go ahead and invade Syria, and then when he does, impose sanctions. But wait, they’re powerful sanctions, so that will definitely fix everything. Or as Matt Miller puts it:

The guy who opened the barn door is now running

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Guest post: Cycling through states of mind

Oct 14th, 2019 4:46 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on To celebrate the launch of Trump Towers Istanbul.

…somehow an advocate of both burning everything down and building everything up; an optimist, pessimist, realist and cynic; certainly naive: shat on but fierce, fierce but trying to help; not helping.

I get that. Hell, I have single days when I can whip through those states of mind. I currently think we’re totally fucked, and I would wish that when we go extinct, we take as few other species with us as possible (with perhaps the exception of our industrial agricultural domesticates, though they aren’t to blame for their own existence). At the same time, I would like humans to smarten up … Read the rest