Tipoffs welcome

Another sniffy censor: TERFS OUT OF ART. They want to get feminists with unapproved opinions out of art, you see.

✊ Trans rights are human rights 👟 Working to kick transphobia out of art 📨 Tipoffs welcome 📣 RT / amplify us so we can get the job done 🏳️‍🌈 TERFs blocked

I’m blocked, so I guess I must be a TERF.

Here’s their “work” for today:

TERF artist Rachel Ara will speak at #OxfordBrookes university tomorrow.

Giving transphobes a uni platform is unacceptable. We encourage students & staff to picket & raise complaints with @obuarts at http://brookes.ac.uk/school-of-arts/about/ … – campus must be safe for everyone.

This account shows us two tweets that Rachel Ara retweeted, and for that they are trying to prevent her from giving a scheduled talk. They’ll be telling us how often we’re allowed to breathe next.

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