Respect others by cutting off their heads

Oh does he.

That was 12. Let’s see the beginning.

But talking about a religion is not comparable to walking up to one person and picking a fight.

But never mind all that, let’s talk about women and why it’s necessary to go on treating them as inferiors.

No. Freedom for women was never limited to the right to vote in elections. That’s back of the cereal box history and it’s wrong.

Well all righty then! Men are stronger than women therefore men should dominate and persecute women. Powerful logic!

Dang. This started off being about Islam and tolerance of religious differences, but the guy seems to be pruriently obsessed with uppity women and…their naughty bits. WHAT IS BEHIND THAT STRING???

He says, showing utter disrespect for the values of others.

And then came the “right to kill millions of French people” tweet.

The death toll in the Algerian war was hard to pin down.

Historians, like Alistair Horne and Raymond Aron, state that the actual number of Algerian Muslim war dead was far greater than the official French estimates, but was fewer than the 1 million deaths claimed by the Algerian government after independence. Horne estimated Algerian casualties during the span of eight years to be around 700,000. Uncounted thousands of Muslim civilians lost their lives in French Army ratissages, bombing raids, or vigilante reprisals. The war uprooted more than 2 million Algerians, who were forced to relocate in French camps or to flee into the Algerian hinterland, where many thousands died of starvation, disease, and exposure.

It’s true that European and American colonizers have killed a lot of Muslims; it’s not true that that fact equates to a “right” to kill an equivalent number of non-Muslims. It’s even less true that cutting off the head of a history teacher is a way to redress the wrongs.

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