The National Organization for People

The National Organization for Women doesn’t know what a woman is.

Transphobia is a feminist issue. Equal means equal. That includes equality for all women, not just a certain type of woman.Read more about #LGBTQIARights and our other core issues at

No, transphobia is not a feminist issue. Misogyny is a feminist issue, but transphobia is not. Yes, equal means equal, but feminism is still about equality for women and girls, not women and girls plus men and boys who say they are women and girls. Women are allowed to have our own campaign groups just as other people are. We don’t have to “share” any more than other groups do. We don’t have to change the subject to other people, because we get to talk about our own rights and struggles and needs, even though we’re women.

Image may contain: text that says 'LGBTQIA+ Rights We need a national conversation about transphobia, which dehumanizes, demeans and disadvantages a specific group of people. This is feminist issue on two levels. First, like racism and homophobia, transphobia grows out of and helps perpetuate the same patriarchal ideology that dictates women's subordination as second-class citizens. Second, transphobia disproportionately harms women. Read about our core issues here: NOW'

No and no. None of that is true.

There are two thousand comments on that post. They have a new one today, saying how terrible the dissenting comments on the December 4 post are.

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Why did they express solidarity and support for their friends in the LGBTQIA+ community, in particular their transgender friends? Why not in particular their lesbian friends? Why does the National Organization for WOMEN pick out transgender people instead of women for their particular solidarity and support? Why are they changing the subject when they still call themselves the National Organization for WOMEN? Why do they not recoil from the very idea of doing this “think of everyone but yourselves” routine that women always get and men never do?

It’s enraging.

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