You can have Phoenix

Yeah yeah. It’s the CITIES that are the problem. Let’s all secede to a farm and make America great again.

Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show Wednesday that the U.S. may be “trending toward secession.”

Or just trending away from Trump. One of those.

As Limbaugh talked about liberal cities like New York and San Francisco, he took up a question of whether “we can win the culture.”

By leaving cities like New York and San Francisco? No, because a lot of the culture comes from there. What you would win wouldn’t be the culture, it would be some desiccated fragment of it.

Not that everyone has to live there, obviously, but if you secede from all things liberal, educated, thoughtful, science-supporting, justice-seeking, cosmopolitan, secular, progressive…well what will you have left? Rush Limbaugh and Trump.

“I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York?” Limbaugh asked.

Other than bodies, needs, thoughts, feelings, jobs, clothes, appetites, hopes, ideas, plans…?

The people who live in New York are not aliens and neither are the people who live in Wichita. We all have a lot in common. Get a grip.

In the segment, first flagged by Media Matters, he said, “A lot of bloggers have written extensively about how distant and separated and how much more separated our culture is becoming politically and that it can’t go on this way. There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs. We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way.”

That’s rich coming from a guy whose whole career has been hyping up this so-called separation. He’s one of the main creators of it, and this nonsense is just more of the same.

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