A ribbon

Glinner on why they charged her:

I’ve been reliably informed that the tweet for which she is being charged is this one. It’s a Suffragette ribbon.

Unbelievably, they’re claiming that this is meant to be a noose.

What does a noose actually look like?

Return of the hangman's noose: Hate crimes on the rise in U.S. | National  Post

See the differences?

One, there’s that thick heavy overlapping knot, that’s built to take a lot of weight. Two, there’s the direction: the noose is at the bottom, so that the weight of the body pulls the knot tighter and strangles the victim. Three, there’s the coarse thick rope, again built to take a lot of weight. A piece of lavender ribbon with a small pinned loop at the top is not a noose. It’s not a symbol of a noose. US history actually features a lot of noose imagery used to terrorize, and it’s not whimsical or symbolic: the noose is a noose.

Photos of Trump Supporters Laying Siege to U.S. Capitol

That was just five months ago. That’s not a pretty ribbon with a loop at the top.

David Paisley, an actor who spends most of his time online trying to destroy gay communities, tweeted earlier this week that he was taking a Twitter holiday, and in this piece he says ”I’ve been in the unfortunate position of having to speak with the police about some online activity that crossed the line in terms of my personal safety and wellbeing, and that’s been quite challenging.”

I guess by “having to speak with the police” he means “I complained to the police”?

About a lavender ribbon.

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