Back to school

As the news was pouring in from Kabul, the Biden administration saw fit to make a big fuss about that most oppressed group in the universe – people who think their sex isn’t their sex.

“that would keep you from playing on the sports field” is the usual lie. You’d think government officials would manage to avoid blatant lies like that, but it seems not. The “obstacles” would be to boys and men taking places for girls and women. That’s all. They boys and men can still play, just not on the other teams. “Oh but they’re on estrogen, which puts them at a disadvantage.” Ok, but it doesn’t follow that they get to transfer that disadvantage to girls or women. If somebody has to be at a disadvantage in this scenario, it shouldn’t be girls and women. Why? Because they’re already at a disadvantage in multiple ways. How is this not obvious??

Good health is one thing and cross-sex hormones are another.

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