Dear readers

Naturally this isn’t going down well.

It really is a terrible “apology” (and not a real apology at all).

“The Lancet is fabulous. I apologize to our readers who were OfFenDed. At the same time, after that perfunctory ‘sorry you’re so touchy,’ I want to spend ten times as many words talking about trans people trans people trans people trans people and how neglected they are and how much stigma they face and how urgent it is for us to EmPoWer them and to make menstruation all about them so suck it up bitches.”

It’s particularly infuriating that he doesn’t even mention the “bodies with vaginas” and its position on the cover, much less admit how insulting it is, much much much much less admit that THE LANCET DOES NOT TALK ABOUT MEN THAT WAY.

You’d think he was 19 years old and addicted to TikTok.

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