Everything Hour to replace Woman’s Hour

Last week BBC 4’s Woman’s Hour had host Anita Rani interviewing Paris Lees, who is a man who identifies as a woman. I took the trouble to listen to it and found that Anita Rani was strikingly gushy toward him. Some women on Twitter were critical of this choice of subject and Rani’s gush. Her response:

If Woman’s Hour is a space to discuss everything then why is it called Woman’s Hour? Why isn’t it called Everything Hour?

More specifically, why do women have to empathise with men who identify as women at the expense of women? Why do they have to give up part of this one BBC hour that’s about women for the sake of yet another “story” from and about a man?

Why do women have to put up with having the subject changed from women back to men yet again even on a radio show that’s literally named woman’s hour? Why do we have to put up with being told to shut up and move over and share our hour with men even on Woman’s Hour? Why can’t we have one thing that’s for women?

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