“to piss on terfs”
JL at the Glinner Update on the theft of the McIver Baths:
The McIver Ladies Baths is in the beautiful Sydney suburb of Coogee. It was built in 1886 and has been for the exclusive use of women and children ever since. Screened from view by its cliff-foot location, the pool provides the perfect place for women to swim and sunbathe in peace and safety, free from male interest and male eyes.
Make no mistake, that’s an issue when it comes to swimming.
Recently the Randwick and Coogee Ladies Swimming Association (R&CLSA), which manages the pool, decided that access would be extended to (genuine) transwomen, ie those who’ve undergone sex-reassignment surgery. The information on the website was updated accordingly.
All hell broke loose. TRAs screamed blue murder about intact males being prevented from using a female-only pool. In many cases, they proved exactly WHY it’s so important such facilities remain female-only.

And so on and so on and so on; read on for more empathy and persuasion.
Sydney boasts many beautiful beaches and dozens of seafront and harbour bathing pools. Why can’t women be allowed one little 20 meter long seawater baths? Because men will not allow us to have even one tiny place of our own that doesn’t include them. And when men ‘identify as women’, the validation they demand drives their determination to colonise our spaces with an even greater ferocity.
Especially since they never ditched their misogyny despite “identifying as” women.
Seems like a case of “give them a finger, and they’ll bite your whole hand off”. All this started only because the association decided to extend access to MtF transsexuals? Before that point, had TRAs heard of the place at all? (Liz from the piece that you posted a few days ago claims that he’d been using the baths for a while, but now I’m beginning to wonder.)
I expect transsexuals had been using the baths for some time, plus after the specific “after surgery” requirement stated much later I’m sure. Dudes will always push boundaries, I don’t doubt for a second men have been let in on occasions. I expect the writer had been using them for some years, it’s just that, as so often occurs, things are relatively fine until the trans activists notice something, then all hell breaks loose, as it has this last week, culminating in petitions, demands for apologies, Guardian op eds and policy wording changes. Oh, and a horrible intimidating protest on-site.
‘Self declaration’ sounds so reasonable. No ‘bathroom checking’ etc. No need to regulate a level of ‘plausible femaleness.’ It might actually work, if it wasn’t for the substantial percentage of misogynist drag-queenish, TRAs. I think a graphic artist should create a logo where TRA and MRA are intertwined.
Yet more confirmation that trans activism is just a Men’s Rights Movement with a slightly different approach. John the Drunkard@3, I like your idea of such a graphic. It would be quite fitting.
GW, that was an interesting article. Reading about the transwoman, and “her” view on being a woman and how much privilege she gained is depressing. She finds it “privilege” because people love and care about her now, and are nice? I imagine ‘she’s having a positive response to things I find condescending, patronizing, offensive, and just plain disrespectful. Does any of that caring involve talking down to? I imagine. Does any of it involve explaining things that one knows at least as well as the explainer? I imagine. Does any of it involve treating her like a child, or at least not fully an adult? I imagine. In fact, I’m almost certain of it.
She doesn’t describe whistles, fanny grabs, crotch feels, breast brushes, leering, or “jokes” about raping her… which makes me believe that her colleagues/classmates/friends/family know she is a man and are humoring her.
She also doesn’t describe being passed over for promotion, having her ideas taken by a man or having credit given to a man, being talked over, being asked to make coffee…but she’s still in college, apparently, so maybe she hasn’t had time for that yet.
It’s always “funny” to me how many of the things these transwomen describe that indicate the world as a whole still regards them as a man, because they are not actually being treated like a woman.
I know that Ophelia sometimes promotes comments to guest posts. I don’t presume to tell her what to do, of course, but I think that iknklast’s comment would make a great candidate for a guest post.
She doesn’t describe whistles, fanny grabs, crotch feels, breast brushes, leering, or “jokes” about raping her…
Many men would probably be quite scared to do any of these things, fearing that “she” might beat them up with “her” superior strength. No?
I think these TW are typically describing men treating them like “men they should be nice to”, not treating them like women.
And frankly, the idea that TW who don’t pass, or are openly trans, are being treated “as women” is impossible. I don’t think people’s brains can actually switch off the knowledge that this is a man they’re dealing with.
Ha, I keep reading “TW” as trigger warning.