Et tu Forbes?

Here I was thinking Forbes was a conservative sedate business magazine but I find it’s running a classic dopy childish “Rowling is the devil” piece:

JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, has become the most prominent face and voice in the world of anti-trans rhetoric, where she spends all day on Twitter sparring with critics and activists.

No she doesn’t. Of course she doesn’t. She’s a very busy human. She writes books, lots of them; she writes fast but not that fast – she can’t possibly spend all day on Twitter and also write a long novel every few months. Plus she does other things, like philanthropy. You’d expect that kind of sloppy casual lying in a tweet, but in a Forbes article? They let angry teenagers write their stuff?

Now, she’s gone after a prominent trans gamer for her thoughts on whether or not supporting an upcoming Harry Potter project like Hogwarts Legacy, the sprawling video game, is harmful because of this author’s views.

Has to be an angry teenager – the writing is so bad. Whose thoughts? (A man’s, actually, the man who got a day’s fame because Rowling mentioned him.) Which author?

Then the hapless teenager lets slip that he missed Rowling’s sarcasm.

Earl’s argument was actually that no you don’t need to burn the books or movies you already own, that may have comforted you long before Rowling’s recent turn, but now, buying something new like Hogwarts Legacy is knowingly supporting her directly

Yes she knows, that was her point; she’s making fun of Jessie Gender’s hand-wringing advice that it’s ok to keep the contaminating JKR books on your shelves under a few stringent conditions. It’s called sarcasm. Too sophisticated for Forbes?

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