I don’t care

More Ronny:

No, I don’t. He’s right about that. I don’t care about Rhys McKinnon and people like Rhys McKinnon one iota. (That is, I don’t “care” in the sense he’s using it – anxiously wanting them to have novel extra “rights” so that they can get what they want at the expense of other people. I do care about him in the sense of considering him both a menace and a grotesque example of “trans activism” who is well worth discussing.) Why should I? Why should I care about him and people like him especially? There’s nothing about him to motivate such extra caring – he’s not interesting or thoughtful or eloquent or amusing, and he is belligerent and ruthless and selfish and demanding. Why should I care about him? Why should anyone? There are better people to care about, and there are vastly needier people to care about, the refugees fleeing from Ukraine and the people trapped there for two examples.

I don’t care about him one iota and yes I’d be happy just “excluding” him altogether from women’s competitions and letting him figure out whether to compete against men or just give up competing.

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