Middle-aged cisgender women

About this “statement” of Munroe Bergdorf’s, which was apparently made on Instagram, which makes it a pain in the ass to quote or cite – it’s interesting that it starts with insulting women.


Note the disdain – “spurred on by a group of middle-aged cisgender women.” As if there’s something obviously contemptible and illegitimate about adult women having opinions and goals, and acting on them. He sounds like people ranting about “the Jews.” Yes, women are interested in this political movement, partly because it has such immense hostility and disdain toward women. Jews are interested in anti-Semitism and women are interested in men who claim to better women than women are.

Munroe Bergdorf is a man who performs “being a woman” by posing simpering coyly over his shoulder at the camera like a 21st century Betty Boop, while maligning actual women as hags who have no right to political action.

I’m tired of these guys.

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