People with an attraction to children and adolescents

The BBC works hard to minimize it:

A trustee of the charity Mermaids has resigned after reports he spoke at a conference organised by a group that promotes support for paedophiles.

Dr Jacob Breslow quit the transgender children’s charity after the Times revealed he had attended the B4U-ACT conference in 2011, as a PhD student.

B4U-ACT calls for paedophiles to have the right to live “in truth and dignity”.

Do the children get to live in truth and dignity?

B4U-ACT’s website says it holds workshops and gives presentations about the needs and rights of people “with an attraction to children and adolescents”, and runs support groups for both them and their friends and family members.

“An attraction to” is a very anodyne way of putting it. “Want to fuck” would be clearer.

A published summary of a presentation Dr Breslow is understood to have given uses the phrase “minor-attracted persons” instead of paedophile.

And the BBC obligingly echoed that by talking of “people with an attraction to children and adolescents.”

Mermaids told the BBC

“Safeguarding is of the utmost importance to Mermaids and the safety of the young people we support is our highest priority.”

It’s not though. The “young people” (i.e. children) they support are not safe from drastic interference with their puberties.

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