
The moral panic card

Andy Lewis aka Le canard noir is doing a letters-debate thing with Embrace the void aka Aaron Rabinowitz. The latter defines some terms at the outset:

The other important term here is moral panic, which I’ve discussed in a few places but just briefly refers to a substantial overreaction to a small or nonexistent problem.

Mm. It’s a small or nonexistent problem – the fact that we (women) are being told we have to redefine ourselves in a way that entails including men as women on demand. If a man tells us he’s a woman we have to agree, or at least comply; if we refuse, punishment is swift. To us that is not a small problem.

Often the problem is treated as an existential threat to some part of civilization, and often there’s a special emphasis on harms to women and children.

I find that extremely snide. He probably didn’t mean it that way, but then that’s the problem, isn’t it. He’s hinting that it’s a sentimental slushy ploy to emphasize the harms to women and children, which requires ignoring the fact that the harms to women and children are worse and that that’s because adult men have a lot of genuine advantages over women and children. Yes, we women are yipping about it a lot but that’s because it’s kneecapping our ongoing struggle to be treated as fully equal human beings along with men. Excuuuuuse us for objecting.

The other way it’s snide is that it implies there’s nothing real to object to, it’s just “oh won’t somebody please think of the [designated victims]??” Easy for him, but he’s not as easily beaten up as a woman is.

So, I’m not optimistic about this exchange.

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