Easy for some

Just handing away our rights as if they were his to hand away.

Oh just stop right there. That’s cheating. It’s not “a question” whether housing trans women is more like housing lesbians or housing men, obviously, because trans women are men. Housing trans women is identical to housing men because both trans women and men are men. He doesn’t need evidence to prove that because it’s true by definition. Housing men is like housing men; housing men is not like housing lesbians.

He tries to pretend that’s not true by calling men “cis men” but that’s a cheat. “Cis” is a word that’s used to deflect perception of cheating of this kind.

As with sports, defenders of the dogma say oh but they’re on estrogen, they’re not the same as men, but that’s horseshit. 1. most are not on estrogen and 2. even with estrogen the advantages remain huge.

He just thinks women’s safety doesn’t matter. It’s maddening.

There is no such step. Trans women are men. You might as well say “you missed a step where you prove that trans women act the same as flibberty men.”

Yes it’s all just a big joke.

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