The selection process

I’ve been putting this one off for a couple of days, but time is up. It’s about that guy in New Hampshire who won a scholarship by winning a beauty pageant.

The photo makes it all too clear what kind of body type is considered good, appropriate, conforming, acceptable in female people – extremely small, thin, dainty, with one permanently bent knee and a short skirt. That’s the right kind of body and presentation and skirt to have, but it’s not the kind to win. The winner is built like a fullback and wears a dress that trails on the sidewalk. He’s also a male person. The competition appears to be for female people, but a man was allowed to compete and he won despite his failure to conform to the apparently preferred body type and his not so skimpy dress.

He also won a $7500 scholarship, so that’s a female person who lost one.

I don’t think “beauty pageants” should exist, myself – I think in a sane world they wouldn’t exist any more than they exist for men. I don’t think scholarships should be awarded for prettiness (hint: scholar doesn’t mean pretty person). But they do and they are, so I don’t think men should muscle in on them.

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