We’d have heard

Arty on the New Yorker’s embarrassing collapse:

The New Yorker has finally chimed in on the Lia Thomas debacle, and it’s a disgrace. The cult-like language used throughout is a stain on its reputation. Remember, The New Yorker is renowned for having the most prestigious and respected fact-checking department in the world.

Exactly. They’re famously, even notoriously picky. FACTS.

They make a blunder on the fact front.

The N.C.A.A. allowed a path for people like her to join the women’s team, but it was not quick or easy. In general, élite male athletes have considerable physical advantages over élite female athletes.

Whoops, you’ve just acknowledged that “people like her [sic]” are, in fact, “élite male athletes” who “have considerable physical advantages over élite female athletes.” That should put an end to this article, that fact right there.


What should it say instead? Maybe…In general, women with the bodies of élite male athletes have considerable physical advantages over élite female athletes. No, make that: In general, women with the bodies of élite male athletes have considerable physical advantages over women with the bodies of élite female athletes. Ok?

A nice little aphorism:

If a few months without testosterone literally rearranged a man’s pelvic bones, we’d have heard about it by now. 

Read the whole thing – it’s admirably furious and thorough.

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