Anyone at all

Yes, anyone can fly.

Yes, anyone can leap tall buildings at a single bound.

Yes, anyone swim underwater without ever having to come up for air.

Yes, anyone can get their period, trans women included

Anyone can get “their” period, just as anyone can get a mosquito bite or a cold or a blister.

Menstruation, often referred to as a period, is a part of many people’s lives.

So many that there is no actual bodily reason for getting it, it just turns up, because anyone can get one.

Defined as the periodic discharge of blood and tissue from the uterus, menstruation is just one stage of the larger menstrual cycle, which typically takes place over 28 days. 

Now here we run into a difficulty, because it’s not the case that everyone has a uterus, so it can’t be the case that anyone (in the sense of everyone) can get a period. People who have testicles can’t. Our guides don’t let us in on that little secret though.

Can a transgender woman have a period? Absolutely. Many trans and gender-diverse people menstruate. Whether you’re a woman, a man, non-binary or agender, your body may menstruate too.

Who knew?! This is some really up-to-the-minute info here. I’m impressed.

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